Chances, bunch-o-schools

<p>Hey i was thinking of what colleges i should apply to and i came up with a really long list (longer than this one). i need help seeing what my chances are so maybe i can weed some places out</p>

<p>Overal H.S. GPA so far 3.5</p>


AP Physics (<em>)
AP Calc AB (</em>)
AP Literature (*)
Leaders Gym (w/ extra period of service)
H Government</p>

<p>Varsity Golf Team</p>

<p>H = honors
*Yet to take AP exam</p>

AP Psych (4)
Leaders Gym (+service)
H Us History
H English
DaVinchi Physics
Pre Calc
Spanish 8 (out of 8)
Health lol
Overall GPA: 99 weighted (both semesters)
Varsity Golf Team</p>

Lets just say i went through an epiphany and needed better classes
No honors and GPA was like 86, 3.44? at the time.
Btw i wrote my college essay about this ephipany so it pretty much explains my grades i guess.</p>

<p>SAT I - CR570 W520 M(expecting high 700's this time)
SAT II - Physics (610 retaking) Math IIc or Ic (not taken)</p>

<p>Looking into business and marketing, maybe engineering
i want to be comfortable in my college so dont just say no to a school because its not the bomb diggity at these majors</p>

<p>College list no particular order</p>

College of the Holy Cross
Boston U
Cuny Baruch
U Mich
Cornell U
Penn State</p>

<p>feel free to add colleges im mainly thinking NE since im in NY
Thanks for any input (even if you scream i suck)</p>

<p>I think vassar, cornell, tufts, michigan OOS might be big reaches because of your SAT and GPA. You show only some commitment to golf but thats about it. Id add maybe a couple more matches if i were you like maybe TCNJ. Most of the engineering schools you put are very competitive. Not trying to offend you butyou might want to narrow your list down and figure out what you want in a college. I notice you have everything from LAC's to somehting as big as penn state. On the good side, You get your SAT II's above 700, and beef up the critical reading of the SAT and you will be in business ofr a lot of those schools</p>

<p>well i know what i want its just that my fear of not getting into anything overrides that. i know i want a fairly big, social, diverse, and urban (love the city) college.</p>

<p>rural places ack... no farms.. lol</p>

<p>bumpp... need help..</p>

<p>penn state is amazing engineering, think about CMU instead of the other reaches</p>

<p>Agree with Pollyo - Vassar, Cornell, and UMich are really really really big reaches for you because of your GPA. The best school on your list I think you have a solid chance at is Brandeis. Nevertheless, aim high and you might be surprised!</p>

<p>But what do you think about my chances with the other schools that ive posted?</p>

<p>I meant to say Tufts was a huge reach as well (same category as Vassar, Cornell, Umich).. Brandeis you have a chance, as well as at the other schools</p>

<p>just scanning down your list, vassar and skidmore dont even have business or engineering...</p>

<p>Brandeis has no engineering, either.</p>

U Mich
Cornell U</p>

<p>Might as well take those off. No chance.</p>

<p>So basically take off my reaches lol. So im assuming i have a decent shot at the rest?</p>

Boston U
Cuny Baruch
U Mich
Penn State</p>

<p>new list, what do you think</p>

<p>Do you think i have a chance at the Washington University at St Louis</p>

<p>dude WUSL is just as hard, if not harder, than some of the ivies.</p>


<p>sorry, but your SAT scores/GPA are third-tier to those schools</p>

<p>"Might as well take those off. No chance."</p>

<p>jPoD, what's your problem?</p>

<p>hey,nickdead, do you go to cardozo?</p>