Chances (Confident)

<p>"Confident" hahahahaha...That attracted me to this thread which is possibly the only good reason for you to put "confident" in the title head lol. You are an average applicant to Vandy at best so good luck.</p>

<p>In your "speech" you already stated what colleges want, so why would you ask us what your chances are? I would not say all that stuff either, my SAT( out of 1600) is 150 points higher than yours, my GPA is around the same, and I am praying that I get in, dont be arrogant, thats one thing in life that will hurt you, that said, you probably are a good student, but realize this, there will be a lot of very qualified applicants applying for a spot so you never know.</p>

<p>Also, if you are emphasizing writing as one of your strong points, you should pay the utmost attention to spelling - you used "there" three times when it should have been "their."</p>

<p>my friend got straight up rejected with a 1520 and a reccomendation from you know who...Tom Doak.</p>

<p>I hope you get rejected. You're an arrogant prick!</p>

<p>heyheyhey let's not get pms on him now</p>

<p>maybe he's just confident he'll get rejected!</p>

<p>or maybe he's just confident in himself. confidence is always a good thing! better than freaking out in my book. but anyways good luck with your app!</p>

<p>I am quite confident (haha) in saying that they will look at your recommendation from Tom Doak and be like, "who the heck is this guy".</p>

<p>About Tom Doak? Or what do you mean? As I don't think of Tom Doak as THAT obscure, admittedly, Michigan has WAY too many golf courses, but I am not some hard core golfer or anything and I know who he is.</p>

<p>If you mean they are going to say, who does this guy think he is? That I could see.</p>

<p>your SAT score is low, and your high school GPA is medicore, do you have any AP Scores? Though they pretend like essays and recs are great we all know stats are pretty important...</p>

<p>Ok can someone close this thread? I'm seriously sick of reading it/seeing it on this forum everytime i come here. i don't know why it has so many views, can we just drop this whole thing altogether?</p>