Chances for a confused kid?

<p>Grade: 12
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Black
State: Virginia</p>

<p>GPA (cum. 9-11): 3.96 (w), 3.6 (uw)
GPA 9th- 4.05 (w), 3.71 (uw)
GPA 10th- 3.76 (w), 3.42 (uw)
GPA 11th- 4.08 (w), 3.57 (uw)
GPA 12th so far- 4.26 (w), 3.50 (uw)</p>

<p>Rank: 96/494 (top 20%)
SAT I: 1st-1270/1600|1850/2400. 2nd was worse, but suprscre is 1870/2400
SAT II: taking 12/07
ACT: taking 12/07
2 APs by grad
Taking RC (rigorous course) with many honors and some ap's, but not MRC</p>

Student Organization for Helping Others (9,10,11,12)
Spanish Club (9,10,12)
Film Club (10,11)
Astronomy Club (11)
Ecology Club (11)
Eagles Combination Choir (11)
Men's Choir (11)
Marching Band (9,10,11,12)
Symphonic Band (9,10,11)
Wind Ensemble (12)
Jazz Band (12)
Church Youth Choir/ Trash Can Band (9,10,11)</p>

Marching Band Trumpet Section Leader (12)
Homeroom Representative (12)
Youth Choir/ Trash Can Band Tenor Group Leader (9,10,11)
Vacation Bible School Crew Leader (9)</p>

Beta Honor Society (11,12)
National Society of High School Scholars (12)
Tri-M Music Honor Society (12)
Selected based on academics from 490 to participate in a statewide science camp (10)
Perfect Attendance (9,10)
Honor Roll (9,10,11,12)</p>

<p>Work History
Chick-fil-a: 7/05-present. 25 hrs/schoolweek
Little Caesars: 7/07- 10/07. 10 hrs/schoolweek</p>

<p>Community Service
-tutoring elementary school children, helping teachers with classroom tasks (60 hrs)
-election page- 2007 county election (9 hrs)</p>

-National Chemistry Olympiad- 2007</p>

<p>With the exception of my soph year (no reason) my (w) gpa has gone up and my (uw) gpa has hovered around a 3.5-3.7. I have no idea what happened with the second SAT. I'm also am concerned that I might not have enough leadership positions and the fact that I only took 2 ap's.</p>

<p>These are the schools Im applying to...</p>

Penn State
U. Delaware
George Mason U.
Virginia Tech
Suny: Albany</p>

<p>Heres what I'm thinking...
High Reach- Cornell
Low Reach/ High Match- UVA (b/c of in state + minority status)
Match- U. Delaware, Penn State
Low Match/ High Safety- Virginia Tech (in state)
Safety- George Mason, Suny: Albany</p>

<p>Thats it. Is that somewhat accurate? Please post your comments.</p>

<p>wow you have it urself...i think if u get a 1900+ sat score...u are in at cornell...due to minority.</p>

you can call vt a sure safety
and del and psu high safeties</p>


<p>Good list. Agree with what you have. Good luck!</p>

<p>Do apply all of them. Try to do well on 12/07 SAT II and 12/07 ACT so you can get in all of them.</p>

<p>Good list. Make sure you apply to Penn State University Park. You definitely don't want to apply to a branch campus.</p>

<p>So for all the SAT II's and ACT's do i need to do rush reporting? (Most of these deadlines are Jan 1 or Jan 15th). I really wanted to see my scores first. If I messed up the ACT i just wouldnt send it, but if I messed up the SAT II's then I want to take them again in january.</p>

<p>and to scared6378: isnt Delaware really competitive OOS?</p>

<p>you can def. do better than george mason. I'm guessing its your safety school. You'll get into VT, U. Delaware, Penn State. UVA is tough but i say yes. Cornell is a decent shot because your african american i guess. I wouldnt worry. Delaware is supposed to be a great school and you have a good shot at UVA.</p>

<p>yea george mason is my safety, in terms of financially, academically, and location-wise. Not like I need the help, but my sister is a current sophmore there so that would further help (I didnt mean for that to come out as conceited). </p>

<p>Im pretty much only concerned about cornell (alot), UVA (a decent amount), and maybe Delaware (a tiny bit)</p>