<p>AP Biology - 5
AP Writing - 5
AP US History - 5</p>
<p>Senior year--
AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, AP Economics, AP Calc AB, AP Spanish, AP English</p>
<p>GPA (weighted) 4.62
(unweighted) 3.8
ACT - 32
Intense field research experience. Worked with Cornell Cooperative Extension for 2 years as a field researcher/ecologist. Have recommendations from 2 field educators. Completed research projects in zoology, animal behavior, and ecology of natural systems. Worked with Department of Environmental Conservation on NY State biodiversity assesment. Have lectured at several environmental clubs. Have taken as many AP's in science as possible. Met with professors of major and designed program of study. </p>
<p>Major - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
Possibly a minor in Biology & Society </p>
<p>Editor of school's literary magazine 9-12, award winning poet. Very strong in english. ECs are strong in environmental work. </p>
<p>Thank you for your help :D</p>