chances for a friend

<p>He will have 7 AP's by graduation (extremely hard courseload for our school)
AP World
AP Euro
AP US His.
AP Gov.
AP Lit.
AP stats
AP Lang.
Latin 4 (not an AP but it should be)</p>

weighted GPA=3.6</p>

<p>SAT scores are 560 math and 600 verball</p>

Captain of Cross Country team for 2 years
Basketball team
Varsity Tennis team
Varsity Track team
Cross Country 3 years total
Created and President of the Latin club
Key club
Work at restaurant 15 hours every weekend</p>

<p>Great essays
Extremely great recommendations</p>

<p>MVP award for cross country
Dedication award for Cross Country</p>

<p>He lives in Maryland is white and will be the first person in his family to go to college?
What are his chances at the University of Maryland College Park and Towson University?</p>

<p>To me, it sounds like this is you, not your friend, with so much detail including rank and everything.</p>

<p>I'd say a good chance in both, SATs kind of on the low side though, with a 560 math.</p>

<p>r u sure that he can get in?</p>

<p>does he have a chance even with that SAT score?</p>

<p>do i really have a chance at the University of Maryland College Park? It is my dream school!</p>