<p>Here are my colleges:</p>
<p>Reach: Northwestern, Umich(my number 1), UT-Austin
Match: Illinois-Champaign, Wisconsin-Madison, Washington-Seattle
Safety- Arizona, Indiana-Bloomington</p>
<p>I am planning to major in geology.</p>
<p>ACT- 28 with 12 on writing (really bad test taker)
SAT- 1840/1600, 1250/1600 (not submitting)</p>
<p>Public School in Houston, ranked # 80 in nation according to Newsweek</p>
<p>Rank: 146/694 (21%)
GPA: Weighted- 4.21
<p>AP Exams: 5 on Hum. Geo, 4 on US hist</p>
-Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper
-Captain of Varsity tennis team (lettered)
-President of SADD
-Rep in Students as Allies
-Active in BBYO
-Over 400+ hours of Comm. service at school and Houston Arboretum
-Commended researcher for USGS (geology in Yellowstone experiment)
-Received Future Ranger Scholarship from yellowstone association
-Work Experience- Internship at Houston Arboretum, Checker/sacker at grocery store, internship for Radio Disney
-Also have many awards and much more, PM me if you want whole list.</p>
<p>Taken all mostly AP classes, with a few regular here and there (3 total).</p>
<p>Recommendations- Very good from my hum. geo teacher, and very good from my 4 year tennis coach</p>
<p>Really excellent essays concerning my interest in geology, and michigan and wisc and illinois have been submitted.</p>
<p>Please chance me, it will make me feel a whole lot better.</p>