<p>I know this is probably a long-shot, but I'm curious to know what others think my chance are at a MBA program. I don't care where I do it, I'm willing to apply to just about anywhere in Canada. I want a graduate degree, and then a J.D. hopefully.</p>
<p>Here's the quickest summary of my positives I can of:
- Finishing three years of high school in two years
- I'll hopefully have one or two courses completed at Athabasca University by the time I apply
- Excellent perseverance (just about anybody I know will be putting that in my reference)
- Lowest grades in the 90%s, with some going up to 97%.</p>
<p>And my negatives:
- Lack of job experience
- Age (I'll still be in my teens by the time I finish probably)
- No undergraduate degree</p>
<p>So, based on the quick summary, what do you think my chance is into getting into any MBA program? Which universities have lower requirements and/or are willing to flex a bit? I'd be willing to go pretty much anywhere if I'm able to get in.</p>