chances for a terrible gpa?

<p>RE: making a "mistake" by taking too many hard classes -- I have a kiddo who's in a full IB diploma program. His grades won't be anything near what they'd be if he went to our local HS, but how on earth would a college think taking an extremely challenging program is a mistake if you have a 3.4?? A 3.4 is not exactly something to hang one's head over , esp. if the grades come in heavy-duty courses. Said kiddo will have full IB diploma plus about 10 APs, not likely to be in top 10%, scores in 2100 range by junior year. I have to believe that the willingness to stretch and go beyond one's comfort zone in search of a challenge counts for something!</p>

<p>wait, is this freshmen yr thing correct? that they dont look at it?</p>

<p>Yes, they don't look at freshman grades</p>

<p>mmmk...thanks for all the replies! my counselor said pretty much the same thing...she was like "well, ur at a 3.4, which is below the median, but your ACT score is very good, and im sure the hard classes will count for I wouldnt rule it out completely." so..less than encouraging, but i have hope :)</p>