chances for a terrible gpa?

<p>OK...i started scerwing up my gpa soph year, and ruined it junior year...and because UMich doesnt take frosh grades, i have no buffer.... </p>

<p>Summer before 10th: bio A/A
Precalc Honors(2 years ahead) : B/B
French 3:A/A
English Honors:B/A
Physics(2 years ahead):B/B
Chemistry(1 year ahead): A/A</p>

<p>11th grade(was stupid and decided that i could bring up my gpa while taking even harder classes)</p>

<p>Calc AB B/B?
AP Chem B/A
AP PhysicsC C!!/B
AP Bio B/A(i hope.., but prob B)
Verts/Path A/A
Shakespeare/composition B/A</p>



<p>i quoted it so it would stand out...</p>

<p>So im pretty much looking at a 3.4 i suck...what really sucks is that a learned a lot in high school, but my gpa/grades dont reflect that...
Other stuff:
Havent received AP scores yet..will update...</p>

Tennis(4 years)
Track(2 years)
Habitat for humanity(prez)
RC (co-vice-prez)
worked at kumon(4 years)
hospital volunteering as patient care aide(took a class)
Indian Classical violin(11 years)
Indian Classical singing(5 years)
Piano(7 years)
Volunteering and activities w/youth group(spent a lot of time with this, so i need to bring it out)
Engineering Internship(this summer)
Research Internship possibility(this summer)
Mission trip this summer
NMSF? or commended at least..
Won first place in a violin competition..</p>

<p>Cant think of anything else right now..</p>

<p>Sorry for the big block of mediocre info....chance me please?</p>

<p>im instate if that helps...and my sis and her husband went there..</p>

<p>senior year course load:</p>

<p>AP stats
AP french
AP lit/comp
dual enroll/independant study</p>

<p>I would guess that a 3.4 at Umich is a reach, but considering you are in-state and have a decent ACT I don't think it's impossible for you to get in.</p>

<p>Get some great letters of recommendation, write exceptional essays, and be prepared to get deferred. Do well your senior year, and hope for the best.</p>

<p>mmk..thanks...should i change my senior year classes any? not sure if i can get an A in APUSH because im just not that interested...but if i take a non-AP class, will it look bad b/c its easier than junior year?...and i dont have a well rounded challenging course load?</p>

<p>I've never seen it suggested that someone have all AP courses, that would be a bit much to demand. And no amount of difficult course load will make up for poor grades. They want to see that you will take a challenge, but I'm sure they can also understand knowing your own limits.</p>

<p>I was accepted this year as a transfer and never had a single "AP" or "honors" course in highschool and at community college could only take 100 and 200 level courses, but I made up for it with my GPA. It's a balancing act you have to achieve, just be realistic. Take courses that are not fluff, but that you will do well in.</p>

<p>yeah, that makes should i take psychology because it shouldnt be too difficult?</p>

<p>i got in with a 3.4 something this year ; )</p>

<p>As much fun as your schedule seems, I would probably drop one or two of your AP courses, especially with your history of paltry marks in such classes.</p>

<p>You course rigor will still be high for a senior, while allowing yourself a bit of a GPA boost. If you are deferred, then a good (i.e. 4.0) GPA will help a little bit in terms of admission. A poor GPA (anything below a 4.0), however, will not help you, and can possibly hurt you.</p>

<p>It sucks that so much emphasis is placed on GPA. I think you are the kind of student who would do well at U-M. But instead, the kids who take easier classes in high school and receive A's are able to leapfrog you because of a higher GPA.</p>

<p>Take the SAT? If you do well on that, send in those scores. It will further show your intelligence. Good luck.</p>

<p>Well, that's why UMich considers the "rigor" of an individual's coursework. A very good friend of mine was rejected with a 4.0 GPA; the most blatant reason? Not a single honor/enrichment or AP course.</p>

<p>Now back to the topic of this post. This person clearly an intelligent person, but he or she has clearly made the mistake of overloading on difficult courses; thus, lowering his or her GPA. While I am not an admissions officer, if I were in the position, I would see an individual who made the repetitive mistake of overloading.</p>

<p>So, it's clear that there is a fine line between rigor and mistakes. The question , now, is which side is this individual on?</p>

<p>rigor :)</p>

<p>so, how does this look for a modified schedule:</p>

<p>Psychology(not bad at all)</p>

<p>AP stats(semi-tough, good teacher, will study this summer)</p>

<p>French AP(not a hard class b/c of teacher, considering not taking exam)</p>

<p>AP Eng(teacher almost lost AP status so is making it tough this year, trying to get on top of reading material starting now)</p>

<p>Anatomy and Physiology(Have enough interest and background knowledge to make an A)</p>

<p>Last class:dual enroll or blowoff??</p>

<p>I was in a similarish position to you when applying...My UMich GPA was 3.66, but I had an ACT of 33 AND I had taken a tough course load...but nowhere near as tough as yours. And I was out of state.</p>

<p>I can't say for sure whether or not you'll get in, but I definitely think you stand a chance, and definitely think you should apply. They will notice things like you took 4 AP classes in your junior year and 2 Honors in your sophomore year (btw, I took 1 honors class my sophomore year and then 2 honors and 2 AP classes my junior year).</p>

<p>Your EC's certainly won't go ignored.</p>

<p>Anyways, work hard your senior year...they might ask for your midyear grades, and if you have all A's, they'll think "dang this kid got his stuff together!" and be inclined to accept you.</p>

<p>Anyways, what I guess I'm trying to say here's a high match, but it was also a high match for me, and I somehow got in! So, I'm sure you have a chance...write killer essays and get recs from teachers you KNOW will say amazing things about you.</p>

<p>haha..thanks for the going to go in and change my classes tommorow...and have a good talk with my counselor about what i can do to improve my chances....working on essays...i hope they turn out awesome :
)....and giving teachers rec. supplies tommorow...wish me luck :o</p>

<p>I had a 3.4 UW and was accepted in 3 weeks OOS with scholarship $$$. It's not all about the grades. Tough classes and top scores can counterbalance the GPA. I personally think you have a decent shot. Good luck.</p>

<p>^wow...if you dont mind me asking, what were your specific credentials that think may have gotten you in?</p>

<p>Oh flong so you did get in? I remember you waiting forever. I think we were in the same boat gradewise. I would definently make sure those essays are good helpmegetin! and your courseload is certainly more difficult than mine and I was OOS.</p>

<p>Top boarding school, 1500, 11 AP's, bunch of good ECs/awards.</p>

<p>in order to make up for your lackluster underclassmen years, you should definitely bust your butt to do really well in those tough courses you are taking senior year. They ask for your midterm grades, so if you do really well, all it can do is help you. Don't get discouraged; the entire application isn't based on your GPA alone, and, from the looks of it, you've kept yourself pretty busy throughout high school.</p>

<p>I honestly don't believe a lot of what they say about "rigor." To me, it seems like GPA is much more important. I've met some students here who in my mind come nowhere to what I considered Michigan caliber before I arrived here.</p>