Chances for admission to UM?

Hello everyone! Im just interested in my chances of getting accepted/ if I could get any scholarships? Thanks in advance!

Early action
White female
1st gen american
1st gen college
2 languages fluent (English and russian) plus learning french

3.77 uw gpa
4.45 w gpa
32 ss act

9 APs / all honors
Ap us
Ap micro econ
Ap bio
Ap lang
Ap physics 1
Ap calc bc

Senior year classes:
AP french
Ap lit
Ap chem
Honors calc 3

NHS member 11,12
NAHS president 12
Student council 9-12
LEAD 9-12
Best buddies 10-12
Girls exploring math and science head of tutoring 10,11
Art club 9-11 leaders board
Merit award for volunteering 10th grade
Volunteer at nursing home 30+ hours.
High honors student all 4 years

You are def good. With the 32 and the large amount of APs I say you’ll most def get in and prob get around $20-$26k a year. If you were a minority you’d probably get full ride consideration,

I definitely think you have a great chance!

I agree, I believe you have a good shot but nothing is guaranteed. Good Luck!!