Chances for an aussie?!

<p>Hi I'm yet to sit my SATs but here is everything else I'd appreciate someone's idea of how I'm going so far-</p>

<p>Grade: 12 (Senior)
Age: 17
Nationality: Australian
School: Top ranked in state, private, all girls.</p>

Marks: Straight As
Current subjects: English (Adv), Math (Adv), Geography, Biology, Visual Art, Drama
Current Standing: Top 5% in class, 6/170 overall
Class rankings: English (Adv) 9/150, Math (Adv) 10/163, Geography 1/48, Biology 8/92, Visual Art 2/63, Drama 3/38</p>

Academic Achievement Award for a high standard of achievement 2008
Citizenship award for loyal service to school community 2008
Dux award of Art 2008
Dux of Geography 2008
Distinction National English Exam 2008
Distinction National Chemistry Quiz 2006
Credit National Mathematics Exam 2007
Queensland University of Technology Dean Scholars Award for achieving a high distinction in a university subject as part of an advanced studies program</p>

<p>Invited to attend-
State Gifted and Talented Student Conference 2007
National Young Leaders Day 2008
Excellence Art Workshop 2007, 2008</p>

School Prefect 2008
Art Captain 2008</p>

Basketball Team 2006-2008
Swim Team 2004-2008
Track Team 2005-2006
Rowing (Quad Scull, Single Scull, Four) 2004-2006
Cricket Team 2004-2008
Waterpolo Team 2003-2005
Drama Troupe 2008
Art Club 2007-2008
French Club 2004-2005
Advanced studies Queensland University of Technology Architecture GPA 6.0
State Lifesaving Team 2004-2006
State Surf Team 2005-2008
3rd State Surfing Titles U18
5th National Surfing Titles U18
Work experience with Architecture firm
Part-time job supermarket
Volunteer "Help for the Homeless" food van 2007</p>

<p>Would I have any chance?</p>

<p>Well I’m just going to say an Aussie Surfer would be awesome. But you really don’t have enough athletics to be competitive.</p>

<p>Yeah you have nice chances. I could lie saying that I can give you an accurate depiction of your admission and state you have a 29.2784% chance.</p>

<p>Well, I can give you an accurate depiction of your admission and state you have a 29.2783% chance.</p>

<p>Good luck! :)</p>

<p>Nice. 29.31415% chance.</p>

<p>29.31426% :)</p>

<p>~~~~~Go on!!!</p>

<p>You guys forgot to factor in the constant.
it should be
<em>finishes the 357th page of the calculation</em></p>

Add .0786 if your applying in a leap year</p>

<p>On a more serious note…you’ve got a shot
but then so do loads of applicants
Who knows?
Its admissions.</p>