Chances for an average kid looking at pre-dentistry

<p>Asian male, living in Hawaii</p>

<p>3.44 UW GPA</p>

<p>SAT: CR-520 M-580 W-520</p>

JV Tennis-10
Vars Tennis-11,12
Student Council
Key Club- 11,12
Japanese Club- 10,11,12
another community service club-12
School Play- 11,12</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule
AP English Lit

<p>UH-Manoa as a safety
Right now I'm looking at university of Washington, university of Portland, and UT-Austin. Also if i was able to raise my SAT scores into low 600s would schools like USC or Notre Dame be a possibility? or is that to much of a reach for me?</p>

<p>And one last thing, I'm wondering if you guys know any colleges that are good for pre-dentistry that would be good for me.</p>


<p>Notre Dame - Big Reach
USC - Pretty big reach
UT Austin - Match
U Washington - Slight reach
U Portland - Not sure</p>

<p>U Portland - Match, with higher SATs it would be more of a low match. A kid from my school goes there (from PA, which is not common at all) and he loves it.</p>