<p>I'm applying to...</p>
<p>University of Vermont
University of New Hampshire (my top choice)
University of Maine, Orono
University of Southern Maine</p>
<p>Maine is my home state, so I think I'm likely to get into UMaine and USM. UNH is my top choice, and my mom lives in New Hampshire with shared custody of me, so I was able to claim residency there as well. UVM is definitely a reach, and I've also applied to Hartwick college, but was waitlisted due to their record number of applicants this year.</p>
<p>I have a 2.9 GPA, which is very low due to my first two years of high school, which I didn't take seriously enough. In my junior and senior year, I've had all A's and B's. My classes are all high level, but not AP.</p>
<p>The first time I took the SATS, I got 540 Reading, 530 Writing, and 490 Math. The second time, I got a 580, 570, and 480 respectively. I was very disappointed to have my math score decrease rather than increase.</p>
<p>I've been involved with Key Club for three years, Habitat for Humanity for two years, Big Brothers Big Sisters for two years, and I have also been in ICE and Interact. </p>
<p>I have a recommendation from a math teacher with a reputation for writing very good ones, as well as an excellent guidance counselor recommendation.</p>