<p>Hey everyone. I know these threads are somewhat pointless because it doesn't mean much, but it would be nice to know someone else's take on my app.</p>
<p>I am applying EDI to Lehigh for the PC Rossin College of Engineering-- Bioengineering.</p>
<p>Asian-American Adopted Female from competitive public high school in NJ
GPA: 3.4/4.0 (unweighted)
SAT: 2060 (670CR, 690M, 700W), 1360 (670CR, 690M)
ACT: Took, but will not submit (28 - 26 Eng, 28 Math, 30 reading, 29 Eng w Writing - 12 essay)
AP: Psychology, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics
Rank: School does not rank
I've basically taken all honors and AP classes my four years. Freshman year I took all the honors classes a freshman could take... I've tried hard to have a rigorous schedule. I know the GPA thing is a hinderance to my application, but what's done is done.</p>
<p>Senior schedule:
AP Macroeconomcs
AP Microeconomics
AP Statistics
Anatomy & Physiology H
Calculus H
English 12 H</p>
3 years: Varsity Golf - Captain (I made some all ____ lists...)
4 years: Student Government - Vice President (All 4 years)
3 years: Pre-Medical Program (40% acceptance rate within high school)
3 years: Internships throughout high school at the local hospital
3 years: Volunteered at the public library
2 years: Co-President of a Cyberbullying Awareness CLub (Met senator Menendez)
2 years: National Technical Honor Society - Secretary
4+ years: Own my own Webdesign business (made websites for small 501c3s and actors/actresses)</p>
<p>Interest shown: Visited a total of 4 times. Diversity Achivers Program participant. Email contact with the dean of admissions. Three tours, overnight, two information sessions.</p>