<p>avg gpa: 3.37
about to be a senior.
SAT: 1460
r.460 m.520 w.480
math 2: 500
lit: 500
spanish: 780</p>
<p>extra curruculars:
film class on saturdays for 2 months, golf team for 1 spring, law internship summer 08, volunteered 189 hrs at elementary summer 07.
so far, i believe thats it.</p>
<p>What UC's can i get into, so far, by these statistics?
pleaasseeee any info would help.
thanks a lot =].</p>
<p>Your GPA is on the weak side.
You definitely need to increase your SAT and SATII scores.
did you take any ap/honors? 1st gen? low-income?</p>
<p>It might be a bit tough getting into the higher tier UCs.
My recommendation is, if you don't get into the UC you want to get into, go to a community college for two years, earn high grades, and then transfer to somewhere like cal/la.</p>
<p>for my junior year i only took one AP (english.)
and yess i'm planning on takling my SAT over again and doing better.
and about c.c. my parents are really strict and expecting it to make it into a UC.
i have a friend who had a 3.3 gpa, 1190 in her SAT and a couple of APS and got into UCSC.
that made me feel much betterrr, but idk.
i hope i can make it.</p>
<p>Hi K00lkid, Have you tried using the eligibility calculator on the UC websites? You can enter all your info and give you a little bit of information about schools you can be eligible at. I think that UC is big on the SAT so try retaking it. Good Luck!</p>
<p>UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCSB.....you never know though..if you write really good essays, there's always a chance of getting into la or berkeley...i think u have a 50/50 at irvine though</p>
<p>If it turns out you are eligible, the UC system guarantees admission to all eligible (California resident) students. No specific campus is named, but generally students with a guarantee who are not admitted to the more competitive campuses are offered places at UCM, UCR, and possibly UCSC.</p>
<p>To complete your eligibility, you must apply to the UC, complete any senior year courses still required for your A - G requirements, maintain the 3.0 GPA and graduate from high school.</p>
<p>To see how competitive you may be at the various campuses, here are the 2008 Freshman Profiles for all 9 undergraduate campuses (click the campus name in the column to the left): University</a> of California - Admissions Compare your information and you can "chance" yourself. Good Luck!</p>