Chances for Columbia, Barnard, and NYU

<p>Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this!
I am currently a sophomore at an extremely competitive IB public high school and I have a dilemma. I plan on graduating a year early (at the end of my junior year) in order to move up to New York to pursue college and modeling. I already have a contract with a top agency in New York and am hoping to continue modeling and go to school.
Last summer I got the opportunity to live and work in Tokyo for two months and this summer I plan to go to Paris to work. I have had a wide array of experiences with people from other cultures and I plan to write about this in my applications essay. I may even send my application from Paris!
However, my question remains: Am I good enough to graduate as a junior and attend a top-tier school? Or should I stay in high school another year?</p>

<p>My Stats:</p>

<p>PSAT -
Critical Reading - 69
Math - 63
Writing - 68
TOTAL: 200
*I am taking the SAT March 1st and plan to do better</p>

<p>SAT IIs - </p>

<p>Literature - probably around 760
World History - probably around 700*</p>

<p>*I did not take AP World but I know a great deal on the subject and plan to study hard.</p>

<p>GPA- 3.8 (unweighted)
GPA - probably around 4.5 (weighted)</p>

<p>Courses - </p>

AP Art History *5</p>

<p>*On my practice exams I have scored a 5.</p>

AP Lang. & Comp.
AP Prob. & Stat.
AP Human Geog.
IB Theory of Knowledge</p>

<p>*I plan on getting all 4s and 5s</p>

<p>Class Rank: 50/440</p>

<p>Extra -
I am a white female.</p>


<p>I know that most of this information is theoretical and is likely to change, I would really love to hear some estimates on my chances. Thanks to anyone that can help!</p>