<p>Thanks in advance =)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.98 unweighted, not sure what it is weighted </p>
<p>rank: 5/200~</p>
<p>Sat: 2210 (will retake once more in hopes of 2300+)
ACT: 32
Sat II: Math II: 800 USH: 780</p>
<p>AP classes so far (7):
Sophomore:AP European (5), AP Chem (4), AP Spanish (2)
Junior: AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, AP US, AP Lang</p>
<p>senior course load:
AP Macroeconomics
AP comp sci
AP bio
Calc 2 (dual enroll) at UGA (university of GA)
Calc 3/multivariable (dual enroll) at UGA
Physics (dual enroll) at UGA
AP gov
Lit honors </p>
<p>Extracurriculars: </p>
<p>Varsity cross country 3 years
Varsity Track 3 years
Tutoring for 2 years at school
National Honors Society (officer)
Beta Club (will be officer next year)
Spanish Honors society
School Ambassador
intern at a UGA science lab for 3 years
national merit scholar commended
paid internship in Biotech/Nanotech this summer
(my research will probably be published in a science research paper this summer)
job at KUMON (children's learning center) </p>
<p>Volunteer: around 350 hours (volunteer, unpaid internship, tutoring, etc)</p>
<p>anybody… pretty please?</p>
<p>Vanderbilt and Emory might be low reach
Nothing really stands out for Duke and MIT
But then an again a solid essay could turn that!
All the best</p>
<p>okay, so people WAYYYY over estimate the difficulty of getting into duke. no offense, but i know a whole lot of people get into duke, at least way more than other top 10 schools, I live like 30 min away from duke.</p>
<p>having your work published in a scholarly journal is good stuff man, looks good for mit. only thing that i would be apprehensive about for you is not having siemens or usamo or intel or a giant award for mit.</p>
<p>right now i’d say that duke’s a high match, and mit is a low to mid reach, but if you get a major award, mit would be a lot lower.</p>
<p>also looks really good with dual enrollment at UGA
consider applying for the foundation fellows scholarship</p>
<p>chance back please!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1159533-yale-ea-chance.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1159533-yale-ea-chance.html</a></p>
<p>oh, and i forgot to mention that you also seem highly qualified for vandy and emory
both should be high matches.matches, especially with a higher SAT</p>
<p>MIT is a low to mid reach?
Don’t kid yourself!
MIT is probably the only school that won’t spare a heart beat to reject a 2400 GPA 4.0 Valedictorian with stellar ECs and still take a kid who has a couple of B’s in the transcript </p>
<p>But I agree with you on the Duke part
A person who got into Harvard from country this year was rejected by Duke</p>
<p>@ darthspawnus
Yea i agree. I wouldn’t be the least bit upset if I got rejected from MIT haha. I am hoping for Duke and Vandy though.</p>
<p>Anonymous, did you know that Duke admits at a proportionally WAY higher rate within the state of North Carolina as compared to the rest of the US, which is split up into regions? When you compare the admit rate of each region (West, South, etc) with the admit rate of NC, it’s the same. Looks like petedawg is from GA.</p>
<p>I’m fairly sure you’ll see yourself in at Vandy and Emory. The individuals who applied to both schools from my HS all got in. And that’s not a small number either. Duke is also possible, but I mean check out Duke’s admit rate this year. Whew.</p>
<p>You need at least one science SAT to apply to MIT.</p>
<p>Yea i am from GA, hopefully luck will be on my side…</p>
<p>probably in everywhere but MIT, and perhaps Duke if the basketball team lost the day they read your app. The only thing I don’t get is your UW GPA and rank - how can you have a 3.98 UW and still be only 5th in your class? Heck, I have a 3.75 and I’m 6/350. Did you take lots of regular classes? If you did, your chances at these schools drop dramatically.</p>
<p>I guess its because there is crazy grade inflation where I’m from. I have taken the most rigorous schedule in my grade and have taken 7 APs before senior year which is a lot since I got to a rural area school.</p>