Chances for ED to the College of Arts and Sciences

does anyone know the acceptance rate for ED to the College?
I'm currently an asian high school junior at a well known, highly competitive & large high school in Texas and contemplating whether to ED to Penn (my dream school since middle school) or to WashU. I want to major in Biology/Human Biology. Please tell me whether I should ED to Penn or if I have a very slim chance of getting in. I dont want my ED to be wasted!</p>

<p>GPA: unweighted=3.9, weighted=4.64
Rank: N/A; we get them at the beginning of senior year, but guessing between 5-7%</p>

<p>SAT: writing=750 math=780 verbal=720 2250, but planning on taking it once more
SAT II: not taken yet
AP Test scores: World History (4)//i will be taking the AP tests for biology, english, U.S. History and Spanish this year
hardest course load in school</p>

<p>Extra-Curriculars & honors:
-Region Orchestra 4 years
-All-Area 3 years
-All State Orchestra 2 years
-UIL Solo & Ensemble 3 years
-UIL State 3 years
-ouside of school youth orchestra 2 years
-Yearbook 2 years (1 year as an editor, next year as section editor)
-Orchestra 4 years//Public Relations in 11th grade, President in 12th grade
-Korean Club 4 years//Public Relations 10th grade, VP 11th grade, President 12th grade
-Student Government 4 years//Freshman rep 9th grade, sophomore rep 10th grade, junior rep 11th grade, VP senior year
-leader and co-founder of church ensemble group 10th-12th grade
-member of church Greetings ministry 4 years
-SOS (Survivors of Science) 4 years//Bio VP junior year
-Volunteer at Texas Children's Hospital (around 130 hours)
-Counselor at Camp Barnabas (camp for mentally/physically disabled kids & adults):288 volunteer hours
-One of the team members of the ATB (Alternative Teen Break) Program at the zoo, focusing on wildlife conservation:200 volunteer hours
-Texas Children's Medical Mentorship Program
-leader of school quartet, in charge of payment, gigs/performances (i guess that goes under work experience..?)</p>

-NHS 11th & 12th grade//probably getting leadership position senior year
-Spanish NHS 11th & 12th grade//Historian 11th grade, VP 12th grade
-AP Scholar</p>

Very good recs from orchestra director, AP Bio teacher, AP Spanish teacher
all who know that I work hard and am responsible/trustworthy, always on task. They are all really nice people, too xD
Counselor: He's super cool and says good things about everyone</p>

<p>strong essays
will visit campus before application is due!

<p>Oh I forgot that I took the National Spanish Exam twice and received silver medal awards both times.</p>

<p>Your application is looking pretty strong. I’d say you have to get all 5’s on the AP Exams this year, though. I got a 4 on my soph. year in AP US Govt. but got all 5’s on my junior year AP Exams, which help your app a lot (shows that you not only got A’s in class, but that your school didn’t inflate your grades). Besides that, I’d say write incredibly strong and unique essays, and you could be a part of the Penn Class of 2017! Good luck!</p>

<p>Your stats are all good, so your admission is pretty much reliant on your essays and recs. If you write a fantastic essay you should be good to go.</p>


The acceptance rates for the College are generally close to the overall acceptance rates for Penn (at least it used to be that way, and probably hasn’t changed). So the ED acceptance rate for the College this year was probably close to Penn’s overall ED acceptance rate of 25%.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, however, that the ED acceptances include a significant number of hooked applicants, such as legacies (who don’t get a boost during the RD round), recruited athletes, etc. Still, a 25% acceptance rate surely beats the 9-10% acceptance rate of the RD round last year.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I was really worried because my GPA isnt the best, but now I feel much better. Thanks again!!!</p>

<p>Janetor, How on earth did you manage to perform that many hours of volunteer work while participating in so many bands/orchestras/ec’s?</p>

<p>I volunteered a lot over the summer and a little during the school year on wednesdays from 4-6. The extracurriculars I’m involved in have most activities on the weekends, so that meant having no life pretty much haha but if you have someone to do those things with you, it’s fun and I didn’t really mind it.</p>

<p>Ya man you have a really good resume. I just got into Penn and my test scores were identical to yours. My gpa was a little higher but your EC’s are on steroids so that makes up for it. Being Asian and from Texas is obviously a detriment but you still have an extremely strong chance of making it. Go Penn ED, it’s your number one choice and you’ll most likely get in</p>

<p>There’s someone who got in Penn with a resume very similar to yours, so I wouldn’t be shocked if you got accepted as well.</p>