does anyone know the acceptance rate for ED to the College?
I'm currently an asian high school junior at a well known, highly competitive & large high school in Texas and contemplating whether to ED to Penn (my dream school since middle school) or to WashU. I want to major in Biology/Human Biology. Please tell me whether I should ED to Penn or if I have a very slim chance of getting in. I dont want my ED to be wasted!</p>
<p>GPA: unweighted=3.9, weighted=4.64
Rank: N/A; we get them at the beginning of senior year, but guessing between 5-7%</p>
<p>SAT: writing=750 math=780 verbal=720 2250, but planning on taking it once more
SAT II: not taken yet
AP Test scores: World History (4)//i will be taking the AP tests for biology, english, U.S. History and Spanish this year
hardest course load in school</p>
<p>Extra-Curriculars & honors:
-Region Orchestra 4 years
-All-Area 3 years
-All State Orchestra 2 years
-UIL Solo & Ensemble 3 years
-UIL State 3 years
-ouside of school youth orchestra 2 years
-Yearbook 2 years (1 year as an editor, next year as section editor)
-Orchestra 4 years//Public Relations in 11th grade, President in 12th grade
-Korean Club 4 years//Public Relations 10th grade, VP 11th grade, President 12th grade
-Student Government 4 years//Freshman rep 9th grade, sophomore rep 10th grade, junior rep 11th grade, VP senior year
-leader and co-founder of church ensemble group 10th-12th grade
-member of church Greetings ministry 4 years
-SOS (Survivors of Science) 4 years//Bio VP junior year
-Volunteer at Texas Children's Hospital (around 130 hours)
-Counselor at Camp Barnabas (camp for mentally/physically disabled kids & adults):288 volunteer hours
-One of the team members of the ATB (Alternative Teen Break) Program at the zoo, focusing on wildlife conservation:200 volunteer hours
-Texas Children's Medical Mentorship Program
-leader of school quartet, in charge of payment, gigs/performances (i guess that goes under work experience..?)</p>
-NHS 11th & 12th grade//probably getting leadership position senior year
-Spanish NHS 11th & 12th grade//Historian 11th grade, VP 12th grade
-AP Scholar</p>
Very good recs from orchestra director, AP Bio teacher, AP Spanish teacher
all who know that I work hard and am responsible/trustworthy, always on task. They are all really nice people, too xD
Counselor: He's super cool and says good things about everyone</p>
<p>strong essays
will visit campus before application is due!