Chances for George Washington, U o Virginia,U of Maryland, U of Penn, U of Richmond

George Washington University
University of Virginia
University of Maryland
University of Richmond
University of Pennsylvania
American University*
Geroge Mason University*</p>

<p>The starred universities are my safety schools.</p>

<p>SAT: 2100, 740 Reading, 700 Writing, 660 Math</p>

<p>GPA: Probably around 3.8 (I have never had a C in my entire high school career and was on track for a GPA of 4.0 but Calculus in 12th grade is giving me problems (I may obtain a C or C- in that class), other than that I have all A's and maybe 1 or 2 B's for each year, courses are moderate; I will have taken 5 AP's)</p>

<p>Sex: Male; Race: Black; </p>

<p>EC's: Pretty much nothing really; various sports clubs and some community service throughout the years but this probably probably my weakest area.</p>

<p>The schools that I really would love getting into are George Washington University or the University of Maryland. So...what are my chances?</p>

<p>I should probably mention that I am a permanent resident of the US…so when I say Black I don’t mean I’m African-American but that I’m from Africa…</p>

<p>if you actually fall into the african american URM category I think you will get in to all of those schools, with the exception maybe of UPenn, but you are even competitive there too.</p>

<p>Are you saying that I actually have a chance of getting into the University of Penn? Just because I am Black? Is it because of my SAT score?</p>

<p>those all look good, except maybe UVA and UPenn–good luck!!! chance me back :)</p>

<p>You would probably still be competitive at UPenn even if you weren’t an URM, but it should boost your chances significantly there. For instance, I’m friends with an African American who had about a 3.4 gpa and 2000 sats that got into UVA fairly easily. This is coming from a fellow URM as well (half-Mexican). Anyway, I still think you have a solid chance at UPenn (60%ish). Otherwise, I say you are looking good for the others.</p>

<p>Chance me back please: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;