<p>live in Florida, and attend a school in the top 5% of high schools according to Newsweek ( I really don't know exactly what that means). my parents combined income is about $65,000. </p>
<p>I Plan to major in International relations, and minor in political science or government. </p>
<p>What are my chances at:
Reach-Georgetown, William and Mary, and UVA</p>
<p>Target- American, UF </p>
<p>Safety- Flager college, FSU</p>
<p>11th Grade
White Male</p>
<p>ACT: 30-CR 27-Math , took beginning of sophomore year,
GPA (Unweighted): 3.8
GPA (Weighted): 4.4- college calculated </p>
<p>Taken all honors offered
AP Taken: AP World History-5</p>
<p>Junior Class Schedule:
Chemistry Honors
AP US History
PC class
AP Physics
PE- had to fill schedule, afraid its going to look really bad
AP Language
Honors US History- online, to make up for PE class </p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Econ
Spanish 3
Calculus Honors
AP Calc AB
AP Lit
AP government
Marine Science Honors</p>
<p>Some courses such as marine science don't have choice to take, our district cant produce a effective schedule. </p>
Key club-2 years as member, serving as secretary this year and vice president next year.
Republican Club- 3 years as member,
National honor society- Member.
Heifer club- President and founder, raise money to purchase animals for less fortunate,and educate community on ways to fight world hunger.
Speech and Debate- member.
Wrestling- Sophomore year- Starting JV/ back up varsity. </p>
Going to boys state this summer.</p>
<p>Nominated to represent school in discussion with superintend to address problems within school.</p>
<p>Nominated to attend Unity day,find solutions to racial discrimination in school. </p>
<p>Student Representative on board that consists of principal and teachers, meets once a month to approve initiatives within school and find solutions to issues that can be fixed with school. </p>
200 hours at local elementary school, tutoring students after school </p>
<p>Just started volunteering at local historic society and will be getting 5 hours a week for at least the next 6 months, learning to properly handle and log historic documents. Also working with community leaders to establish a archive online. </p>
AP world history teacher- one of his best students, will write fantastic essay
Guidance- Mom of my best friend= will be good</p>
<p>I also am wondering what would be better for college application going to volunteering at a camp for autism or looking into summer college programs?</p>