Chances for ivies, top schools, uc's!!! Help me out choosing a school!

<p>my list of schools:</p>

<p>UC Irvine
UC berkeley
UC San Diego
Columbia (ED?)
Johns Hopkins ( maybe)
Stanford (EA or RD need help deciding)
Princeton(ED)-Common APP
U of Chicago EA
Harvard-Common APP
Carnegie Mellon-Common APP (maybe)
Duke-COMMON APP (maybe)
Dartmouth-Common APP ( maybe)
Upenn-COMMON APP</p>

<p>that's a lot of schools, so how do I cut them down? what I'm looking for in a school:</p>

<p>-mediocre weather
-nice buildings
-good surrounding city with lots to do
-GRADE INFLATION ( easier to get A's than other schools... I know university of Chicago has grade deflation which is horrible)
-i need to get into a good law school, which school will help me do this?</p>

<p>My stats:
- My fully weighted g.p.a that even weights college summer courses is:
9-11 4.1 W ( Georgetown EA, or Univer of Chicago EA or Columbia ED)
9-12 4.2 W ( RD applications most of those schools) 3.7 uw
10-11 4.5 W 3.88 uw(princeton ED, uc's) uc g.p.a is 4.2 capped
10-12 4.57 W 3.91 uw ( Stanford ) RD</p>

<p>please keep in mind this is my FULLY weighted gpa means weighting colleges summer courses taken at uc berkeley as well</p>

<p>SAT 1: 2200
SAT 2: US 770, MATH 2c 790, math 1c 780</p>

<p>HUGE UPWARD TREND IN GRADES!! i have great valid reasons for this! Will schools even take pity on me and might even consider taking out freshman year? I emailed Dartmouth undergrad and they said they might and that would make my gpa about a 3.9 + uw at every school I apply to and that would make a HUGE difference in RD or ED/EA applications</p>

<p>rec's and essays should be good... i'm spending a lot of time on them even now!</p>

Dance-Volunteer-10 years ( won many awards)</p>



<p>500 hours of comm service... i helped at numerous places for variety</p>

<p>Major:poli sci/econ... wanna do celebrity or corporate law</p>

<p>9-12 grade 30/580
10-11 grade: 4/580
10-12 grade: 5/580
9-11 grade: 40/580</p>

<p>this shows how bad I did freshman year : (</p>

<p>1st Place-School Science Fair-School
Community Service Award granted by the City
Gold Community Service Award
30 Boy Scout Merit Badges and many hiking awards
Eagle Scout and previous ranks- 10 years
Boy Scout positions- Senior leader and troop guide
2nd Place- We the People Competition - State
Undefeated Tennis Award -City and local Community</p>


<h2>Also pertaining to my majors Poli sci and econ i did many things including starting many business and one online business hosts leagues for sports via Xbox and is estimated to make 2k -10k a month i only get 50 percent of commision though : ( maximum profit it can make 2.2 million a year... : ) i'm hoping! Business is risky</h2>

<p>I am in the youth commission which means i represent my community with 70,000 people. I also am in charge of 15,000 dollars that i grant loans to agencies around the city to help benefit the low income of my city. I work directly with the mayor, city government. : ) I might get a recommendation from the mayor</p>

<p>I founded and president of 2 clubs that involves rigorous community service</p>

<p>500 hours of comm service... i helped at numerous places for variety</p>

<p>i'm the comm service MASTER ... haha yeah i think that might be my hook</p>

<p>For my eagle project i started a blood drive and it involved 200 hrs of comm service and planning... </p>

<p>Football 400 yard sprint winner</p>

<p>honor roll, but that isn't important and also almost perfect attendance so far</p>

<p>also which schools do you think I should totally cross off my list because I won't even have a slight chance there.. please be honest thanks!</p>

<p>ED: Princeton or Columbia or Penn
EA: University of Chicago
-----------------------------IMPORTANT BELOW
Ok here's how I see it, my main goal is to apply to as many places as I can early? Why? If i get accepted my senior year will be 400 % better... So i need to know my chances for these early applications above : ) I can relax, party, so virtually I need to know what school i'll have the best chance at early...</p>

<p>i'm applying to UoC for sure early now deciding between Penn, Columbia, or Princeton ED</p>

<p>Did summer programs at UC Berkeley and did quite well</p>

<p>You are the type of person that should not be using ED. If you are doing it just to have an easy year senior year, and you really don't care where you end up, then you've missed the point of ED. I think your list of schools is a little long-try asking yourself what you want from your college experience, if you just want to get into a good school, and you don't care where, you're going to have an unhappy four years.</p>

<p>well the thing is i said before what I look for in a school.. the main thing is a great location, decent weather... and if it can take me to a good law school.. I don't want to go to a school that will give me a 3.4 or lower gpa because my whole future will be ruined... i'll work hard in college so that's not the problem.I guess i'll be happy if I get accepted to at least UCLA and at least
one ivy and some private schools..</p>

<p>notice how I don't want my chances rated at yale.. I don't like it that much...</p>

<p>main thing is havign a great fun time at college, but also doing well , getting good grades, and challenging my mind</p>

<p>That was a really good Miss America answer...I think you are either joking or wildly superficial. You certainly don't sound like a person that would do all those great ECs.</p>

<p>Just so you know, Stanford doesn't have EA.</p>

<p>well to be quite honest something has to suffer , whether it be my gpa, or test scores.. and i think colleges know that. I agree my ec's are great, but look at my gpa and test scores. Not very impressive as my ec's... something always has to suffer.. thanks for your opinions! and all those ec's are true... I have more ec's, but didn't feel like posting them.. so please can you rate my chances and stop getting hostile?</p>


<p>Okay, easy man, no hostility here:</p>

<p>Your poor grades will be your biggest downfall. Few things can make up for this. In your situation, you look as though you're trying to overcompensate for the bad transcript. This doesn't favor well with colleges because you just look like a kid applying to college who tried WAY too hard. I don't see any common threads here other than you attempted doing as much as you could at whatever cost. Your chances are mediocre at the Ivies, but probably pretty solid at the UCs.</p>

<p>mediocre weather
-nice buildings
-good surrounding city with lots to do
-GRADE INFLATION ( easier to get A's than other schools... I know university of Chicago has grade deflation which is horrible)</p>

<p>This is something I would expect to see from an eigth grader. Get a little maturity going...</p>

<p>you look great on paper and as for the ED thing...if you got accepted to all of the schools you are thinking about applying early to, what one would you go to? Then you will have your answer for which one to apply ED to! GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>tell me... what do you look for in a school? how are my grades poor? I mean i would expect poor grades to be 3.5 and below... my uw gpa at all those schools is above 3.6 and my weighted gpa is above 4.0 for sure </p>

<p>10/11 grades i really did well as you can tell by my class rank... i got a 5.0 gpa both semesters junior year... ( the highest gpa anyone can get America) and only one kid did it througout my high school's history back in me... my school is competitve and nobody dares take 6 ap's junior year... at other school's its obviously different</p>

<p>2points4honesty.. the thing is I don't know which school I like more between upenn,columbia, and princeton... i guess they each have bad and good points</p>

<p>3.6 is strong, but it really isn't ivy material, see class rank (40/580) that really should be a lot better if you are hoping for Ivy</p>

<p>well the thing is.. my gpa isnt 3.6</p>

<p>i'll do it again</p>

<p>9-11 grades 3.7 uw
9-12 grades 3.75 uw
10-11 grades 3.9
10-12 grades 3.92 uw</p>

<p>what is the GPA/class rank that colleges will see</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCSD: Safe Match
UCI/UCSB: Safety</p>

<p>motherly influence also has a big effect on applications.. I really don't want to go to ucb , but my mom went there and she wants to see if I am up to par with the older generation : )</p>

<p>well the gpa breakdown is different for all schools i think</p>

<p>i had many deaths in my family freshman year and i literally skipped finals week to attend cousins' funerals... so that was a DIRECT reason for my lousy freshman grades... i literally had to skip my finals and keep the grades I got... : (</p>

<p>thus, if they let my poor grades go they'll still see the 3.7 uw for rd or ed decisions for 9-11 or 9-12 grades, but they might change it and look more closely at grades 10-12 grades</p>

<p>thus my gpa is 3.9+ uw and 4.5+ weighted for all my schools...</p>

<p>and class rank is top 1 percnt for sure for grades 10-11 around 5/580 and i'm ranked 1 for grade 11</p>

<p>Yeah, I don't think colleges do the grade by grade analysis like your HS obviously does. They will undoubtably be interested in your final standing after 3.5 years.</p>

<p>well i talked to the dartmouth dean and she said she'll take out the freshman grades... she'll take a look at them, but she said if requested... they take a closer look at soph-senior year courses and grades.. so I'm guessing thats how most schools do it.. anways freshman is a transfer year of life and education... they know that</p>

<p>There is what they say, and then what they do-You have a lot of faith in the adcoms, I, however, remain slightly skeptical, but to each his own. Still though, you really need to consider how you stack up over your ENTIRE high school career. Colleges need to see how you've faird through it all, special circumstances or not.</p>

<p>true... but its been said again and before that top schools dont IGNORE freshma year but discount it heavily... and some schools like stanford and princeton and cmu just take it out completely and even want rank for grades 10-12 grade.. thats why i've seperated rank as well... </p>

<p>and they can obviously see a huge crazy upward trend i guess that should help a tad to show self motivation and determination</p>