Chances for MIT

<p>Hi everyone, recently posted on the MIT thread/forum thing about my chances of getting into MIT and basically, I was called a "troll"? Anyway, I just wanted to repost my stats here so that maybe I caoul get some better advice. Thank you very much, any input is welcomed! :D</p>

<p>SAT I: 2200
SAT II: Chemistry (expecting 770)
USH (expecting 730)
Physics (not a good day for me...)
Math II (taking it in June)
ACT: 34
GPA: 3.98 UW 5.12 W
Rank: 12/517 (my school is very competitive)</p>

Geometry H
English 1 H
Bio H
French 2
Debate intro
AP Enviro (5)</p>

Alg 2 H
Chem H
English 2 H
AP Human Geo (5)
French 3 H
AP Psych (5)
AP World (5)</p>

AP Lang
AP Chem
Pre Calc H
AP Biology
AP Euro
AP Physics B</p>

AP Calc AB
AP Lit
AP Macro and AP US Gov
AP Comp Sci
AP Art History
Genetics at nearby college
Microbiolgy at nearby college</p>

School Honor Roll all years
Top student in some subjects
Academic Games 2nd place (regional)
Psychology Competition 2nd Place (regional)
Science Olympiad 4th place (regional)
Science Olympiad 5th and 6th (states)
Will be National AP Scholar
Some small writing competitions</p>

<p>Extracurrics and volunteering</p>

<p>National Honor Society (2 years) Vice President
- tutoring, the usual NHS stuff
French Club/French Honor Society (4 years/3 years and President)
- Running drives to support students in Hatti (among many other drives), tutoring, learning about French culture
Chemistry Club President (3 years)
- this is honestly just a club for fun and having fun with chemistry (we do a bunch of fun labs)
Science Honor Society (3 years) Captain/President
- competing in science olympiad and science fairs
Habitat for Humanity (3 years) Treasurer
- helping build homes
Environmental Awareness (3 years) Vice President
- multiple beach clean-ups, collecting recyclables every week after school
Golf Club (3 years)
- golf....
Art Museum Volunteer (4 years)
- by far my favorite EC. Showing guests around, explaining to them the history behind certain pieces, and a lot of other things
County Orchestra (violin 3 years)
- practicing and performing throughout the county
some other small stuff like volunteering at my library
about a total of 400 hours by the time I apply </p>

<p>Summer Stuff
Volunteering in my comunity (museum, library)
2 college classes
Enjoying the summer weather (beach and stuff, lol)
Summer Science Program this Summer</p>

<p>"Hooks" - Hispanic male and first generation</p>

<p>I’m not a believer in Chances, particularly when it comes to highly selective colleges. IMO about the only thing that one can predict with any confidence is whether a student is a competitive candidate or not.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the breakdown of your testing is, it matters more for a school like MIT, but in general your gpa & scores are competitive. Your ECs look solid. SSP will be a stronger factor if you are receiving FA vs. paying the full 4k.</p>

<p>More important than your chances at MIT is the make-up of your college list, whether it contains realistic admissions and financial safety, match and reach schools. And if the number of schools permits you to complete customized, polished applications for all of them.</p>

<p>Within the pool of Hispanic applicants, there are other factors that will affect admissions, see the threads linked to at the bottom of post #126 here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>As far as the ■■■■■ incident, if you haven’t noticed already, anything concerning URMs can bring out the worst in CC. Outside of this forum, there are relatively few members that have first hand knowledge of how college admissions works for Hispanic students, so fantasies and speculation abound.</p>

<p>I hope you will take the time to participate on the Class of 2017 discussion sticky thread and read the Resources sticky thread, where there is helpful information about scholarships, fly-ins to diversity weekends, past results, etc.</p>

<p>Hi genes79,</p>

<p>MIT has a great fall program, WISE, for urms, low income, first gen. students. My son went last fall and that solidified in his mind why he eventually decided to attend MIT.</p>

<p>[MIT</a> Weekend Immersion in Science & Engineering (WISE)](<a href=“WISE 2022 | MIT Admissions”></p>