GPA (projected): 3.94. Straight A's except for Precalculus ES (honors) as an 8th grader and AP Lang Comp
Math 2: 800
Physics: 800
World History: 800
Biology: 780 (may retake for the 3rd time)
Chemistry: 800
U.S History: 800
May take literature or retake bio.
PSAT: 232
SAT: 2250-2350 (projected)
Taken already
AP Calculus: 5
AP Biology: 5
AP Physics B: 5
AP World History: 5
Taken by the end of this year
AP Statistics: 5 (projected)
AP Physics C Mechanics: 5 (projected)
AP Physics C E&M: 5 (projected)
AP U.S History: 5 (projected)
AP Chemistry: 5 (projected)
AP Language and Composition: 4 (projected)
Taken senior year (if schedule fits)
AP Environmental Science
AP Psychology
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Computer Science
AP Literature
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
Other College Courses:
Calculus III (taken at high school dual credit with community college): A
Technical Drawing & CAD (taken at high school dual credit with community college): A
Linear Algebra with differential equations at local college: A (projected)
2-time USAJMO qualifier
7 on USAJMO both years.
1-time USAMO qualifier (projected)
Projected 0 on USAMO.
1-time NYSMl tiebreaker, possibly another time this year
10-20% shot at ARML tiebreaker
NYSML qualifier for 4 years, 3 as the county A team
Top 8th grader in county, top 9th grader, 3rd place 10th grader
team mvp in 2013
Science Olympiad:
2 golds, 5 silvers
5 golds, 3 silvers, 1 6th place, 1.89 average
1 5th place and 1 6th place
Possibly an officer next year
Model United Nations
1 outstanding delegate, 2 honorable mentions, possibly a chair
FBLA (States)
5th place marketing 2013
projected: 3rd place business calculations 2014, 3rd place economics 2014.
officer junior year and officer senior year (projected to be VP)
Played varsity volleyball for 2 years (possibly a starter the 2nd year) , jv for another 2 and modified once. played club volleyball for 4 years. Sectional champs (projected)
Math team: accomplishments already listed, alsollikely president and team captain senior year.
Indus Hospital in India in summer of 2012, laser lab (world class) this summer (projected), university associates shadowing for 4 weeks. </p>
<p>I'm a junior. What are my chances? </p>
<p>May also take the ACT, probably would get a 35 based on what i’m hearing from other people’s scores. </p>
<p>Hard to give you chances if you don’t say what schools you are planning on applying to, but very impressive application!</p>
<p>is this too long? please chance me. to summarize, i’ll have a 3.98 gpa (2 classes without an A), make usajmo twice and usamo once, take 10ap’s and get like 9 5’s and a 4, around 2300 on the sat, 232 psat, volunteer for roughly 100 hours in a hospital, and do an internship at our local prestigious laser lab in addition to being successful in science olympiad and moderately successul in fbla, and sort of in model un. </p>
<p>You have just as good a chance as any other competitive MIT applicant. The only thing is, I don’t really see the humanity behind you; you’ll have to show that in your essays…</p>
<p>I say you have a really solid chance, if you are a URM then I would put down some money saying you would get in. </p>
<p>So do I have a better than 50% chance by your estimation?</p>
<p>Could you also chance for Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and UC berkely (non-resident)?</p>
<p>It would be hard to have over 50% chance for anyone to be admitted to MIT. You do have the stat and good EC that are required though. The same for Stanford.
For UCB, you should be a high match.</p>
<p>Grade wise you’re more than qualified, although its’s always a crapshoot with MIT, they really like to admit people who are scientific explorers and tinkerers. If you’ve designed an app, built a fusor, or done medical research your chances go way up. I think that they’d be super impressed with how good you are at math, taking 2 college maths in high school is very unusual! That being said you are a strong applicant.</p>
<p>am willing to chance back. also forgot to mention that I play violin (at a low level) and that I am an alternate for RSI (so there’s a minute chance i’m able to go). </p>
<p>Should I be able to get into Carnegie Mellon?</p>
<p>I only read as far as retaking bio and even thinking of doing it again. Do you want them to think that you have no sense? Or that you can think of nothing better to do? Don’t do that. I was too fed up to read further. Good thing I am not an adcom, they are forced to read the whole thing.</p>
<p>I might retake if I have nothing to do senior year. More of a pride thing that it was the only thing I didn’t get an 800 on.</p>
<p>And I didn’t make USAMO. Only got an 8 on aime II (194 index).</p>
<p>Good lord. I thought my application was killer, but your states just blow me away. I’d say youre in everywhere.</p>
<p>Super impressive if you do attain the projected scores. Make sure you put some personality in your essays to stand out but I think it’s a solid match for you</p>
<p>Do not pay heed to the people above who gave you unrealistic replies like “You will get in wherever you would like.” Nobody can decide that. You do have excellent statistics and extracurricular activities, but it is difficult to say that you have excellent chances and impossible to say you will get in certainly for such very-selective schools. Nonetheless, I would say you have good chances (as good as most applicants) of being admitted at MIT and Stanford. As for UCB, you seem to have excellent chances. </p>
<p>It’s a reach for you like everyone else… Just saying this but colleges don’t like it when students take EVERYTHING to improve their resume… It will give them a strong impression that you are doing all of these to quantify your resume. Just focus on few things…</p>
<p>MIT - Reach
My prediction - Rejected</p>