GPA (projected): 3.94. Straight A's except for a B+ Precalculus ES (honors) as an 8th grader and a B- in AP
English Language and Composition this year.
Class Rank: hopefully top 10%, was top 1% before screwing Ap Language and Composition. School usually sends 1-2 people to these colleges most years, although stanford, mit, and harvard are more like every other year.
Math 2: 800
Physics: 800
World History: 800
Biology: 770,780 (shouldn't have retaken for 10 more points).
Chemistry: 800
U.S History: 800
May take literature
PSAT: 232
SAT: 2250-2350 (projected)
Taken already
AP Calculus: 5
AP Biology: 5
AP Physics B: 5
AP World History: 5
Taken by the end of this year
AP Statistics: 4-5 (projected)
AP Physics C Mechanics: 5 (projected)
AP Physics C E&M: 5 (projected)
AP U.S History: 5 (projected)
AP Chemistry: 5 (projected)
AP English Language and Composition: 4 (projected)
Taken senior year (if schedule fits)
AP Environmental Science
AP Psychology
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Computer Science
AP Literature
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
Other College Courses:
Calculus III (taken at high school dual credit with community college): A
Technical Drawing & CAD (taken at high school dual credit with community college): A
Linear Algebra with differential equations at local college: A (projected)
2-time USAJMO qualifier
7 on USAJMO both years.
2-time NYSMl tiebreaker
4th place NYSML 2014
NYSML qualifier for 4 years, 3 as the county A team
Top 8th grader in county, top 9th grader, 3rd place 10th grader
team mvp in 2013
Will be a math team officer next year, likely president.
Science Olympiad:
2 golds, 5 silvers
5 golds, 3 silvers, 1 6th place, 1.89 average
1 5th place and 1 6th place
Possibly an officer next year
Model United Nations
1 outstanding delegate, 2 honorable mentions
FBLA (States)
5th place marketing 2013
3rd place business calculations 2014, 5th place economics 2014, 2nd place marketing.
Will attend nationals 2014, unlikely to win anything.
officer junior year and officer senior year (projected to be VP)
Played varsity volleyball for 2 years (possibly a starter the 2nd year) , jv for another 2 and modified once. played club volleyball for 4 years. Sectional champs (projected)
Violin: played for school orchestra through high school and low-level outside group and made it to all-county in 2014 and area all-state in 2011.
I also play chess althoguht i'm not very good and our team won the county competition this year. I did take some organizational responsibilities but didn't show up to many meets.
Indus Hospital in India in summer of 2012, laser lab (world class) this summer, alternate for RSI (highly unlikely to get in). university associates shadowing for 4 weeks.
For my recommendations, I know my math teacher will likely describe me as one of the most talented if not the most talented student she ever had. My classroom behavior is a bit ifffy (screwed around with a friend). My social studies teacher is also the chess team advisor and the letter will probably be more impersonal. My own writing I have no idea on.
I'm a junior. What are my chances?</p>
<p>Probably one of the most accomplished applications i have seen so far on CC (few weeks)
However, perhaps focus your ECs on your intended major.</p>
<p>You will definitely get into non HYPSM schools. HYPSM is usually more luck but you have an outstanding chance on all of them.
Match/High Match - non HYPSM
High Match/Low Reach - HYPSM
Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1644117-please-chance-another-same-ol-engineering-cmu-uiuc-ut-austin-cornell-georgia-tech-unc-ucb.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1644117-please-chance-another-same-ol-engineering-cmu-uiuc-ut-austin-cornell-georgia-tech-unc-ucb.html#latest</a></p>
<p>@shinramen. Thanks. I chanced yours. will chance back if people want. Am an asian male so that certainly isn’t helping my chances. </p>
<p>Wow I am very impressed with what you’ve accomplished. HYPSM is difficult to predict for anyone, but I’m wondering what service you’ve done because that’s probably the only thing that’s making me hesitate.</p>
<p>I think your chances are good at HYPSM :)</p>
<p>@currymaster420 I forgot to mention those. Combined around 90hrs volunteering at two local hospitals, volunteered for a year in 8th grade (wonder if it counts, they don’t let you do it after 8th grade) for our religious school of sorts which I graduated from. Also have advocated for the continuation of the math counts program at our middle school these past 2 years and have helped to coach it. </p>
<p>This really is amazing. I know one person who got into Stanford and two who got into Harvard, and their applications weren’t as decorated as this one. They told me that essays make a HUGE deal at these universities as there are many people with 3.9+ GPAS and 2300+/ 35+ ACTs applying. You definitely have a shot, but nothing is for sure, and being a minority doesn’t hurt. Chance me? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1645810-chances-of-getting-into-uw-madison-or-u-of-m-twin-cities.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1645810-chances-of-getting-into-uw-madison-or-u-of-m-twin-cities.html#latest</a></p>
<p>Except for Berkeley and CMU, all should be considered reaches for admission for everyone.</p>
<p>Berkeley and CMU admission selectivity depend on major or division applied to.</p>
<p>In addition, have you run the net price calculators on all of them and shown the results to your parents? If they are unaffordable, then (a) if they have no merit scholarships, they are out-of-reach, or (b) if they do have large enough merit scholarships, they are reaches.</p>
<p>25pubsin as I stated later I’m an Asian male, the worst possible demographic group … I’ll chance you as best as I can.</p>
<p>HYSM: high match
Rest: match</p>
<p>As I’m sure you’ve heard, it’s hard to chance HYSM schools. I say high match, but I think you’ve got as good a chance as anyone to get in.</p>
<p>Chance back
<a href=“Chances for UVA and Vanderbilt. Will chance back. - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1634747-chances-for-uva-and-vanderbilt-will-chance-back-p1.html</a></p>
<p>My biggest worry is that I don’t have a lot of leaderships (only is 2-3 clubs) unlike some people in my school. Over the past 3 years, the only people who have got into harvard, mit, or stanford have got in because of athletics, music (so super high level) or being leaders of many clubs and a 4.0 gpa. My gpa is also a bit low at 3.94 compared to some people from my school in prior years. </p>
<p>Dont really know what ur intended major is through ECs. furthermore, the leadership might hurt, as u aid above. u have mixed ECs with academic acheivment, such as the math contests. in short, do like 5 things that u LOVE, of there is nothing u love, start something, in my case, i started a math circles that runs on a regional level, and a math clinic in school, i dedicate like 6-8 hours just on those two things, so remem, quality over quantity, academics are fine, but remem, everyone applying to those schools has >3.75GPA and >2100 sat, so u need to separate ur self from the rest. GL, please chance back.</p>
<p>Manas link me for a chance back. Thanks for the help.</p>
<p>Excellent chances at all schools. You have the grades, the extracurriculars and everything any other applicant whish they could say on their transcripts. My only concern is how your personal statements went, because if you want to get into an HYPSM school, you have to be different. Show these universities that you are unique and that they need to get their hands on you, because right now, there is probably someone still with a better transcript then yours applying to the same colleges and you want them to pick you not them. Best of luck in your endeavours @theanaconda. I truly believe you have a good chance.</p>
<p>Please chance me here at : <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1635798-reach-match-or-safety.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1635798-reach-match-or-safety.html#latest</a></p>
<p>So if I apply for Stanford MIT Harvard and Columbia should I likely be able to get into at least 1-2 of them? Also, do you know if Harvard Columbia and Stanford place a huge amount of weight on USAMO and math competitions like MIT does?</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1640408-what-are-my-chances-to-mit-cornell-carnegie-mellon-princeton-stanford-caltech-etc.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1640408-what-are-my-chances-to-mit-cornell-carnegie-mellon-princeton-stanford-caltech-etc.html#latest</a></p>
<p>@theanaconda honestly, dnt expect to get in, not cuz of ur credentials cuz they are commendable but they kus reject way too many people, all u can do is make ur self more competitive. since ur academics r impressive, u r verycompetitive for MIT</p>
<p>bump. </p>
<p>No. The most likely result is to get into none of them.</p>