<p>Ok, so I’ve been told that being Native American gives me a major advantage on the whole admission process ordeal. Just to get a better idea on my chances despite the whole ethnicity boost, here’s my stats:</p>
SAT: CR 650 M750 W550 <—i know, i’m retaking in the fall
GPA: 4.1
AP Courses: Taken so far- US History, Art History, English, Human Geography
AP Courses taking this year(senior): French 4, Calculus, Psychology, English, Economics, Government</p>
-Historian for Student Senate (2005-2006)
-Tutor for Honors PreCal and AP U.S. History (2005-2006)
-Member of French Club (2005-2006)<br>
-Member of Texas Association of Student Councils (2004-2006)
-Leader in Leadership Conference (2004-2006)
-Leader in Student Venture (2003-2004;2005-2006)<br>
-Member of the Good Sportsmanship League (2004-2006)
-Participated in numerous trash pick-ups around campus (2004-2006)
-Member of the Animal Rights Club (2004-2005)
-Energy and Environment Committee chair for Student Senate (2004-2005)
-Peer Assistant Leadership (2003-2004)
-Leader in Fellowship of Student Athletes (2002-2004)
-Elementary School Mentor (2003-2004)
-Participated in Ropes Course for Peer Assistant Leadership (2003-2004)</p>
<p>Service Oriented:
-Played guitar and led worship for the youth group at Legacy Church (2005-2006)
-Volunteer at Senior Citizen Homes (2005-2006)
-Volunteer at my church once a week to do office work (2005-2006)
-Habitat for Humanity (2004-2006)
-Pennies for the Planet (2004-2006)
-Help with Plano Volunteer Organization (2004-2006)
-Member and promoter of National Arbor Day Foundation (2004-2005)
-8th Grade Bible Study Leader (Summer of 2005)
-Played guitar and led worship for the youth group at First Baptist _______(2004-2005)</p>
<p>Also, anyone have information on Native organizations at Brown?</p>