chances for NYU, UVA, BC, northeastern


<p>competitive public school (nationally ranked) in suburbs of Philly</p>

<p>GPA weighted: 4.33
Unweighted: 3.4
school doesn't 20%</p>

<p>previously taken---Latin 1H: A</p>

<p>freshman year:
Bio H: A
African Asian Studies H: A
Latin 2H: B
English 1H: B
Art 9: A
Algebra IIH: C</p>

<p>sophmore year
Chem H: B
Western Civ H: A
English IIH: A
Art I H: A
Latin 3H: B
Trig/ Precal H: C
Creative Writing H: A</p>

<p>junior year
AP English Language: A
AP US History: A
IB Econ SL: B
Calculus (standard): A
Physics H: B
Spanish 1H: A
Art 2H: A</p>

<p>senior year: (what i think i'm taking)
AP English Literature
AP Gov
AP Bio
AP Statistics
Genetics H</p>

4 years Varsity swimming: captain 2 years
1 year JV Soccer
3 years Varsity XC: captain next year
1 year JV, 3 years Varsity Crew/Rowing...could be captain next year. i find out late may.
3 years Academic Decathalon: captain 2 years.
3 years student council. running for officer position at elections
4 years BuildOn (community service club). cabinet member next year.
2 years volunteer for Red Cross at local Blood donations once a month</p>

<p>PSATs: 206
SATs: 2140
SAT IIs: Math I-710, Lit 720</p>

<p>our successful crew team has gained a lot of interest with colleges in the area. My coach has told me that they are interested in recruiting. I'm pretty sure I'm not interested. </p>

<p>I'm also looking for advice and possibly other schools I might like to look at. will chance back!</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>I would say you are in at Northeastern and BU without question. You are probably in at BC, and GW (BC loves student athletes). NYU and UVA are probably higher-mathes. I would apply to 2-3 reaches.</p>

<p>I don’t think you’re that competitive for any ivy, but maybe consider umich, UNC-chappel hill, vandy, lehigh, cmu, and so on. You could have a shot at these schools, but they would probably be reaches (unc and mich are probably similar to UVA in competitiveness).</p>

<p>Definitely Northeastern and BU, but NYU and UVA might be tough. Your Sat’s are good but your class rank is a little low (despite the high school being nationally ranked). You should have a good shot at most of those schools though…I think you’ll get into more than half. Good luck</p>

<p>UVA - match
NYU - reach
BC - reach
GW - match
BU - match/ you’ll probably get in
Northeastern - safety (i always thought it was weird that this school is right next to the hood. like i’ve seen deals go down in the projects next to the school which is kinda funny, but its next to the MFA, symphony hall and all the stuff in downtown, so it’s still a great location.)
good luck</p>

<p>UVA - reach (since OOS)
NYU - high match
Northeastern - match
GW - high match
BU - match
BC - high match</p>

thanks for the opinions</p>

<p>Do you think crew will help me get into harder schools?</p>

<p>I was also looking at clemson, do you think I have a shot there?</p>

<p>u r like me, low grades but great sat score.<br>
it kills me when i c ppl (overachievers or those that go to easy schools) with high gpas and average sat scores getting in to better colleges than me. </p>

<p>for ex: one kid at my school got a 2300 and had 3.5 GPA (applied ED to Northwestern–rejected!)
but another girl really worked hard and sucked up to teachers for her grades and had a 3.8 GPA and 2080. ED too.<br>
–they picked her. colleges can’t see clearly.</p>

<p>I mean my grades aren’t LOW
and they’re all Honors…</p>

<p>But I definitely see your point</p>

<p>i would say definitely in for nyu. this year, i got into nyu and so did my friend who had a lower gpa than you and definitely less sports. but there might be different circumstances, but i say that is very good stats to build on. uva is def a reach, but you never know! those essays help a lot</p>

<p>It is good that you improved junior year. The upward trend will be good. Try bringing your SAT score to a 2200.</p>

<p>UVA - Reach (OOS)
NYU - low match/high reach
Northeastern - match
BU - match
GW - match
BC - low match</p>

<p>Help me out?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Match/Low Reach at all but UVA which is a pretty big reach because it is a huge instate school which is pushing even more for in state students every year. </p>

<p>Please chance me back
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;