<p>I've asked before what my chances are, but I forgot to include the fact that I have a learning disability</p>
<p>In 8th grade i was diagnosed w/ a "non verbal learning disorder." From a very young age my parents and teachers noticed how slow i was when i did my work. If it took someone a certain amount of time to do a certain assignment or test it would take me 1.5 times to 2 times as long. Especially for reading and writing assignments. Now that i think about it, this explains y i didnt do some assignments or do B or C work on assignments. i notice when i work twice as long on assignments or studying i am able to achieve the A grade. The problem is i just dont have that kind of time or stamina, which could be the cause of my low GPA. This is also the reason i dropped out of AP Biology this year</p>
<p>GPA (3.04) upward trend
SAT so far 2020 (620CR 760M 640W)
Next time at least 2200 (hopefully)
SAT IIs so far 770 Math level 1 and 800 Math level 2
URM (African American) male
Honors sophomore year:
Honors Math, Chinese, Chemistry, Computer programming
Honors junior year: Honors Math, Chinese
APs next year: Psych and BC Calc</p>
<p>Also, I just wanted to know how good of a chance people with disabilities stand in general at UVA</p>
<p>O well thing totally change now....you have a learning disablility which is another hook in a sense along with you being african american. You have stayed in tough classes even with your learning disability. You also have some good scores. I think UVA will accept you no problem.</p>
<p>I don't know how the learning disability will affect your chances. I don't see any way that it could help, but I do see how it could hurt you. On the other hand, it may not be anywhere near as much of an issue as your grade point average.</p>
<p>Disabilities hurt you? Wow, I never knew that. I knew my l. disability hurt my GPA, but I didnt know my actual l. disability would hurt my chances.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info Cavalier.</p>
<p>Will it help if senior year I'm able to obtain some of type of GPA 3.5+</p>
<p>Also Cavalier, you dont think it would be a good idea to write about my learning disability and how its affected my GPA in one of the Essays.</p>
<p>I am not 100% positive which school I wrote it for, but there there is another part where you have the choice of explaining why something is wrong with GPA, ie: family issues, disabilities, school related issue. (This essay is not part of the required essays)</p>
<p>Anyway, I think the best thing to do is get in touch with Dean J, and unrelatively without providing stats, asking him how having a disability affects your likelihood for admission.</p>
<p>I don't know if the disability would hurt you, but obviously if it affects your studies, it could very possibly hurt you. First and foremost Virginia is an academic institution, and you must know that classes here are significantly harder than they are at your HS.</p>
<p>I can relate to this post because I also experience a variation of the same disability. Over the years I have noticed how I was always the last to finish test and how I spent an insane amount of time on homework and projects. This may stem from my desire for perfection or my obsession to check my answers three and even four times.</p>
<p>Nonetheless, I was never diagnosed with this specific disability but I was placed into an Individual Education Program because of my struggle to understand all aspects of the English language and my inability to grasp new information. I was in this program from third grade to ninth grade and was finally able to be signed out of it. I applied to UVA and wrote about my disabilities and my time in the IEP program for the third, free topic essay. I cant say for sure how much of an effect writing about this had on my admission, but I was accepted and will be attending. At the end of the day, just do the best you can and be happy with what you have achieved no matter what happens.</p>
<p>BornInTheSky: thats exactly the same case as me. I was always the last one to finish tests and spent so mouch time working on homeworks and projects. i was placed on a 504 plan since 8th grade.</p>
<p>"I cant say for sure how much of an effect writing about this had on my admission, but I was accepted and will be attending. At the end of the day, just do the best you can and be happy with what you have achieved no matter what happens."</p>