Chances for Polish student (Columbia ED)

<p>Hi, I'm prospective 2012 applicant/student from Poland who is a bit confused about his application - nobody here (in Poznan) has any knowledge about US ed. system so I rely mainly on helpful people from Internets (;</p>

<p>I think about applying ED to columbia college this november. I am mostly psychology/social studies/philosophy oriented.</p>

<p>SAT: 1960 (hope to reach 2050 on november test date, though) reading:780, writing:620, maths: 560 (i suck at this)</p>

<p>SAT II: world history 800, french 720</p>

<p>Hope to get one excellent opinion and two pretty good ones.</p>

- 2 years in student's council
- voluntary work in Ukraine in summer, 2 vol. projects in my city last year
- philosophy, art history and economics clubs
- mock trial team
- thai boxing
- 1 year of amateur theater group
- about 6 times regional finalist in contests such as linguistics, english, history etc.</p>

<p>So do you have any opinion? do i stand a chance? what schools (out of top 20) should i consider in regular application?</p>

<p>thank you in advance for any helpful advice (;</p>

<p>Czesc! Dobrze widziec polakow co staraja sie na amerykanskie universytety! </p>

<p>Anywaayy, heres my thoughts on your situation. Columbia has a different set of values than the rest of the ivies. They value rigor of education very highly (more than HYP), and their recent application pool has almost exclusively been of the perfect testing variety </p>

<p>I would focus on more schools outside the Ivy.</p>


<p>Thanks for this information, it’s definitely helpful. I still have a couple of days, maybe I’ll change it. What do you think about UChicago EA? It’s my no.2, one of top schools, non-ivy though.</p>