Lost in App: International (Columbia)

<p>Hi, I'm prospective 2012 applicant/student from Poland who is a bit confused about his application - nobody here (in Poznan) has any knowledge about US ed. system so I rely mainly on helpful people from Internets (;</p>

<p>I think about applying ED to columbia college this november. I am mostly psychology/social studies/philosophy oriented.</p>

<p>SAT: 1960 (hope to reach 2050 on november test date, though) reading:780, writing:620, maths: 560 (i suck at this)</p>

<p>SAT II: world history 800, french 720</p>

<p>Hope to get one excellent opinion and two pretty good ones.</p>

- 2 years in student's council
- voluntary work in Ukraine in summer, 2 vol. projects in my city last year
- philosophy, art history and economics clubs
- mock trial team
- thai boxing
- 1 year of amateur theater group
- about 6 times regional finalist in contests such as linguistics, english, history etc. </p>

<p>So do you have any opinion? do i stand a chance? what schools (top 20) should i consider in regular application?</p>

<p>thank you in advance for any helpful advice (;</p>

<p>To understand the US education system, you should read through everything at [EducationUSA</a> | Study Abroad, Student Visa, University Fairs, College Applications and Study in the U.S. / America](<a href=“http://www.educationusa.info/]EducationUSA”>http://www.educationusa.info/) Then, you should contact the advising center closest to where you live. There are three in Poland [EducationUSA</a> - Find an Advising Center](<a href=“http://www.educationusa.info/Poland#.TqCkUZsr27s]EducationUSA”>http://www.educationusa.info/Poland#.TqCkUZsr27s) The counselors at that center can help you with this whole process. </p>

<p>You also should read through the threads in the International Student Forum. Here is the link: [International</a> Students - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/international-students/]International”>International Students - College Confidential Forums) You will find lots of useful information there.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>