Hi everyone! I am a senior and Princeton is my number one choice school. I am applying early decision and praying for good results! Here are my stats:
female, white, texas
4.15 GPA (UW, don’t know my weighted)
SAT: 2230 (770 CR, 750 W, 710 M)
SAT 2: 750 (M2) 780 (USH)
Course Schedule: the most rigorous my school offers (will have 9 APs by the time I graduate, including APWH, AP CALC BC, AP ENGLANG, AP ENGLIT, AP USH, AP GOV, AP BIO, AP CHEM)
ballet: 17+ hours a week, gotten multiple lead roles, attended prestigious summer intensives
teach dance to orphans via a club (that i am vice president of)
literary magazine (layout editor and selections editor)
very involved in giving tours for my school (i am something called “lead ambassador”- basically like a co-pres of a club)
was on student gov (vice president of my class)
outstanding history student (9th grade)
outstanding dancer (10th and 11th)
english underclassman (11th)
NEHS crafton award (national essay contest-top 12 essay in nation)
full merit scholarship to my high school
AP scholar with distinction
i think my letters of rec will be pretty good and I’m working on making my essays the best they can be!
thanks for any feedback 
How large is your class? Rank? Intended major?
Princeton doesn’t have early decision. You probably meant to say Single Choice Early Action if I am correct. High reach in my opinion, but you have as good of a shot as anyone else does. SCEA should help a little.
@boolaHI my class is about 100 people, my school does not rank, and my intended major is neuroscience
@jarrett211 I did mean single choice early action, sorry for any confusion!
Female STEM is in you favor, and should be certainly highlighted in your application and/or personal statement. You will get a serious look, but the number of application dictate that it is hard to predict anything pass that…
What part of Texas? (I ask, as areas like Dallas and Austin get many applicants, other parts less so)
@boolaHI i don’t really feel comfortable saying where i am from, but it is not dallas or austin
Are you from a public school in TX, or private? TX Public schools are notorious for having dozens of valedictorians so that students can get into UT Austin.
On a 4 point scale you can’t have a 4.15 UW GPA, so that must be weighted.
@sgopal2 I attend a private school-no worries about multiple valedictorians as we don’t even have one! (again, my school does not rank)
What I would say, is keep in mind the admissions class is trying to build a class. So, any narrative and/or features in which you can distinguish yourself from other applicants is going to assist your case. Your scores are neither high or terribly low, but right about in the middle, so you will have to create some contrast between you and other applicants.
You’ve got the scores and the grades, I just think the reason nobody can say more than a high reach is because your ECs show passion, but do not stand out. I see 1 main EC: dance, which is great, but it is not recruitable, and you do not have ECs in science. You did not take an SAT II in science either. Typically, “1 EC” people have to have a super strong 1 EC so they are lopsided. Have you won any top awards for dance? Lots of competitions and awards? Your dance seems a lot like an orchestra or band EC. Not recruitable, but is something many people love.
Apply since it is your top choice, but keep in mind that Princeton is one of the most competitive schools in the nation and rejects students with perfect grades and scores, students who have were Presidential Scholars, students who have won nation wide Olympiads…but also have accepted people who seem “normal”, but show traits that they want.
When a school has a 7.4% acceptance rate, it’s impossible to tell if you can get in or not. Just have to apply and wait until mid-December for a decision.