chances for prospective junior?

<p>Hey, so basically I'm a prospective junior who loves Yale... and it would be helpful to put my chances in context with my GPA (which is less than stellar).</p>

<p>So I just copied this from the results thread and filled it out, if you could read it through and respond that'd be amazing. thanks.</p>

1. Do strong art supplements combined with a strong supp. rec & national awards count as a hook/unique EC?
2. How strong do teacher recs actually have to be? I'm an excellent student if I may say so myself but my teachers aren't going to mark off "one of the top few in my career" for nearly all the boxes.</p>


<pre><code>* SAT I (breakdown): 2380 (800M, 800W-12E, 780CR) but this is my second sitting... but there's score choice!
* ACT: Didn't take yet.
* SAT II: So far, 800 on Math & Bio and I'm hoping for an 800 either history, lit, or physics.
* Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): We have a weird GPA, but by 4.0 A, 3.0 B standards I'd have a 3.8 flat. I was new sophomore year so I did bad (2 B+'s, 1 B, 4 A's each trimester). Excluding sophomore year I've only gotten 2 B+'s. But my school only calculates it for junior/senior year so I have a 4.57/4.6something which is above the average Yale-accepted GPA at my school.
* Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Definitely top 10% with the GPA my school calculates, but we don't rank.
* AP (place score in parenthesis): Hoping for 5's on Calc, English Language, USH, and Physics.
* IB (place score in parenthesis):
* Senior Year Course Load: It'll be as rigorous as possible.
* Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National art awards, NMSF, a bunch of local 1st places in some competitions (essay competitions, math, etc.), and state math team champs before I moved to the school I go to now.


<pre><code>* Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Art, Yearbook (editor-in-chief), varsity swimming (captain), 2 Charity-related club (I founded one, co-pres of both), culture club (pres.)
* Job/Work Experience: I've done research in a lab for 6 weeks.
* Volunteer/Community service: 50 hours.
* Summer Activities: Science Research... hopefully tasp. lol
* Essays: I'm a pretty good writer so they should be great.
* Teacher Recommendation: They should be great (top 5%) but I'm definitely not the best student they've ever taught.
* Counselor Rec: Once again, it should be great (top 5%).
* Additional Rec: I might send one from my art teacher to vouch for my skill.


<pre><code>* Region (if domestic applicant): Midwest!
* School Type: Very competitive, rigorous, small, secular private school. Arguably the most rigorous and successful school on the midwest (~10-12 Ivy/Stanford MIT matriculations out of 100 each year). Basically, only one or two people per class can graduate with a 4.0 unweighted.
* Ethnicity: Asian
* Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): I'm sending in a very strong art portfolio, but that's pretty much it.

<p>First I’ll address your questions</p>

<li><p>Diversity is your end goal. Hooks bring about diversity- in whatever angle that might be. National awards- if prestigious enough, will definitely be a tip- but I doubt they will be a hook. A strong arts supplement can definitely be a tip as well; but how strong is it really in comparison to all the other arts supplements being sent in?</p></li>
<li><p>I’m not sure if marking off “top few in my career” for all the boxes is realistic. That might just be me, but I would actually look down upon it- perhaps there is the super human though. The recs aren’t supposed to be over glorified praises (even though most are)- but more so an outside view on yourself. Get my drift?</p></li>

<p>See if the answers make sense- I’m delirious and its past midnight, been on adrenaline from today’s Yale interview… lol</p>

<p>You’re grades and SAT are definitely competitive. Your school profile seems nice too. You have leadership on par with Yale applicants. Unfortunately, Asian is a very competitive pool.</p>

<p>Good luck, you have just as much a shot as most candidates!</p>

<p>Your answers make sense to me, Mal. Also, OP, I just glanced, but Yale is not going to accept score choice. You’ll have to send all of your scores just like this year’s class did!</p>


<p>I think you’ve got a really good chance.</p>

<p>You’ve definitely good an above-average shot, but you really never know what will happen. Just remember to continue working at your very best throughout the rest of high school.</p>


<p>bump… sorry for bumping so many times! I just really want to hear some more opinions, is possible. thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Your grades are way up there. Congrats! And great GPA in a school you say is rigorous.</p>

<p>However your list of ECs is poor. 50 hours of community service? </p>

<p>I’m guessing your passions are art and math? considering youre sending in an art supplement and did many math competitions. Try to emphasize your passions. Do something with art in your community. Enter more art competitions, if you can. Your art supplements will look even better accompanied with the passion you show in your resume. Take incentives in your community. Besides leadership you have in school (which looks amazing!) try to have more leadership in your community and more incentive in your community. Also, don’t rely on TASP. Its SELECTIVE. So plan out your summer now, something that is worth your time and something that interests you. This summer is important for you!</p>

<p>**this is just me being picky. You are academically up to par. It’s just some advice to make you stand out even more in a pool of applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response, placebo. Also, I’m starting to make plans in the 91% chance event that TASP doesn’t want me. I’m definitely doing something with art – art museums, classes, & hopefully I can combine helping the general community with art somewhere, which I really want to do. Pretty much I’ll be volunteering & researching for pay.</p>

<p>Uh, I think your ECs are more impressive than mine, and I got in. Plus, I didn’t even put down any volunteer hours. And my SAT scores were lower than yours.
Do more if you can, but your chances are looking pretty good. If you’re a TASPlicant, you probably know how to write essays, so REALLY work on those.</p>

<p>Edit: When I say “your chances are looking pretty good,” I mean “50-50.” Just to put things in perspective.</p>


<p>You’re doing the right things. There’s a great interview with Scott Clark (Yale adm.officer, google it), paraphr: In our minds there isn’t much difference between straight As, and a few Bs.close paraphr.</p>

<p>Keep kicking ass in school, and try kicking a whole lot more. Take the hardest classes and crush the expectations that are set for you.</p>

<p>Your scores are top flight, your grades look competitive, an arts supplement is a tip, ORM possibly a tip in the other direction. (Hey dude, I’m Asian too…That’s the reality of it.)</p>

<p>Like I said before; increase what you’ve been doing, and hope for the best.</p>

<p>Some criticism though…You mentioned an art supplement.
If it’s music, it had better be of the quality that would get a record label interested, if it’s art, it had better be exhibit quality…You get the idea.</p>

<p>50 hours of Com. Service? …Eh… </p>

<p>“Culture Club” president? </p>

<p>I would emphasize being the captain of varsity swimming/nat’l art awards.
Swimming is a beastly sport (I hate, hate, HATE the IM…) and being the captain of a swim team is no joke. It shows depth of commitment.
The nat’l art awards for an Asian that is clearly excelling in his (her?) math/sciences shows breadth of commitment.
Play up that DEPTH and BREADTH of commitment and excellence, keep rockin’ school, and you can apply with confidence.</p>

<p>i hate to be the one to do this (for the millionth time… sorry!), but bump!</p>

<p>Oh, here’s more info on my grades. They’re my main concern next year for SCEA.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>chair: you have sufficient commentary to just go ahead and do SCEA. Don’t continue with chasing reassurances through this and other threads. Have the confidence to just go ahead. Congrats on your achievements to date: good luck w/SCEA next year.</p>