Chances for SEAS?

<p>I go to a small - ish private school
My GPA (weighted) is 100.933 -- yeah i know that's difficult to figure out since we don't have a 4 point scale but basically straight A's for four years (always on the high honor roll)
I took 1 AP soph year, 3 last year, and 4 this year (the max my school allows) and the rest are honors</p>

<p>we don't rank but I can pretty much figure that I'm 3 out of 120 so odd students
This years courses
AP Calc AB (and I got a 98 first quarter so I am good at math!)
AP Bio
AP English Lit
AP U.S. History
Forensics Honors</p>

740 - math (i know its lower for engineering but i only got one or two questions wrong on the test!)
780 - CR
750 - writing</p>

Math II - 760
Physics - 740</p>

<p>Essay: pretty confident about... It revealed a lot about me and I spent a lot of time on it and had my english teacher review it</p>

<p>Recs: I think they were probably good... requiring the math one was kind of annoying since I'm pretty sure my AP Physics teacher would have written a better one but definitely my second one was good</p>

Co-Editor of School Newspaper
Vice President of Key Club (school club of service organization)
Co-Pres of French Club
Secretary of National Honor Society
member of student council for four years
peer tutor for three years
member of both French and regular National Honor Society
AP Scholar with Honor
volunteer for three years at a food pantry
Awards from my school for various subjects.. math, french...
- also a CT Section of the Society of Women Engineer's Award
- Dartmouth Book Award</p>

<p>no race bonus-- just a typical completely irish girl</p>

<p>No athletics? Don’t many smaller schools require their students to play a sport, club or varsity? Not that it’s very important, but every little bit counts, as I’ve seen this year so far (for early action/decision students). Also, are you taking any more SAT II tests, like Chemstry or History? If not, then why?</p>

<p>I might add that engineering schools are always recruiting qualified female students, and you certainly meet the grade. The last I heard, SEAS was 55% male, 45% female. MIT was the only major engineering school to reach the coveted 50/50 m/f ratio, so stats are on your side.</p>

<p>All the best to you during your senior year!</p>

<p>oh I forgot to mention my third SAT II - literature 730
I didn’t take chemistry because the teacher / course at my school wasn’t that excellent and they have since addressed that but I didn’t think I would get a good score and I didn’t take history last year</p>

<p>also sports – they’re not required at my school, and honestly the sports are very intense and require many hours a day (no club sports), and I don’t think I could have maintained my grades with that</p>