<p>UC Berkeley
University of Virginia
Universiy of Michigan
Carnegie Mellon University
Vanderbilt University
Rice University
Columbia University
Washington University in Saint Louis
University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins
Duke University
Northwestern University
Boston College</p>
<p>I know this is an extensive list; please choose a FEW to evaluate my chances for, obviously, preferably the ones you know most about.</p>
<p>GPA: UC GPA- 4.33 sophomore, 4.83 junior, and a few up coming community college summer courses, putting average at around 4.6-4.7 (yeah, I know about the 8-point cap, but that's strictly only for eligibility and is not used for actual review)
Everywhere else- I don't know how and if the other individual schools recalculate GPA, but if my cumulative freshman-sophomore-junior is used with EVERY course, it's about a 4.3. Again, I am not educated enough on how privates and OOS publics calculate GPA.</p>
<p>Courses: Freshman (inconsequential to UCs for GPA)- French 2, Geometry, English, Acc Bio, Health/World Geography, Concert Band, PE
Sophomore-French 3, Adv Algebra II, AP Euro, Honors Chemistry, Adv English, Tennis/Weights, Symphonic Band
Junior- AP Chem, AP English Language, APUSH, Honors Precalculs, Honors Physics, Symphonic Band, Robotics
Senior-AP Calculus AB, AP Physics, AP Comparative Politics, AP Music Theory, AP Economics, English 12 (blocked with Comp Gov so can't take AP Lit) and Symphonic Band</p>
<p>I recieved A's in everything so for (junior currently) with the exception of a B in French 2 as a freshman. UC gpa at least discards freshman grades and all PE and robotics.</p>
<p>SAT: 2150, will definitely retake, but evaluate as if I had to use this score (750 CR, 720 W, 680[messed up stupidly] M) I KNOW I can get it above 2200 though.
SATII: Pending
ACT: Pending </p>
<p>APs: 5 on Euro and hopefully on everything else as well,</p>
<p>ECs: -Have played oboe and English Horn for 5 years and am in 2 major youth orchestras. Coprincipal in the better one (haha). Selected to county honor band in freshman and junior year (couldn't do sophomore). Commit around 20 hours a week to this at least.
-Play flute on the side for about 7 years
-Robotics involvement for 3 years, including FIRST events
-Varsity Track and Field for junior and senior year (pole vaulting
-Dissenters Club (club to promote political dissent and debate)
-Young Democrats Club</p>
<p>Community Service: -around 400 hours of peer tutoring
-around 100 hours volunteering at local thrift shop to provide clothing and mechandise to the disadvantaged
-Youth orchestra played in a number of concerts for charity, including a major festival at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco to raise money for orphans in the Bay Area.
<p>Leadership:-Cofounder and vicepresident of Dissenters Club
-As mentioned, coprincipal oboist at major youth orchestra
-With a friend, have started a private charity organization to raise awareness and donations for humanitarian and social issues. Treated as a nonprofit group, had to incorporate with state approval.
-Administrator for website of organization
-May attend one of the many conferences I have been "invited" to (probably a scam though)</p>
<p>Awards: -Most probably AP Scholar with Honor (only 4 AP tests by application time, but 7 total weighted, so no real harm I hope)
-Probably Commended National Merit
-6th level Academic Letter Award (school award)
-Staff Choice Award (freshman)
-Voted Most Dedicated Musician in Concert Band
-Voted Most Outstanding Musician in Symphonic Band
-Fact that I made county honor band has afforded me a number of awards
-Third place at VEX Robotics competition
-Part of second place team for FIRST robotics regionals (probably doesn't count)
-Honor roll
-Entered major essay contest, results pending </p>
<p>I think I can come up with some great essays.</p>
<p>I have basically no summer accomplishments (had to go to India to take care of grandfather first 2 HS summers), but will be taking English and Anthropolgy at a community college this summer (forced to, all the good courses taken). For UCs, grades in these classes will be weighted like APs. Small chance for a job, but probably not.</p>
<p>Additional Information: Ethnicity-South Asian
High School-relatively competative public in Northern California
Rank-None officially, but there is some stiff competition in my class
HS GPA system-4.0 scale with an extra point for honors/AP</p>
<p>Ok, I know this is a lot to read through and evaluate. Thanks a lot in advance. Also, it may seem as if I emphasized UCs throughout, but don't limit to these, I just happen to know the rules especially well for them.</p>