<p>Hey just want to know what you guys think my chances are at these schools. I included what I think my chances are (all RD):</p>
<p>Stanford: High Reach UPenn (M&T/SEAS): High reach/Medium reach MIT: High Reach Northwestern: Low Reach Rice: Low Reach/High Match WashU: High Match Berkeley: Reach (OOS) Emory: Match Michigan: Low Match/Safety Illinois: Safety</p>
<p>I'm a man from a moderately competitive public school in kansas. And I'm also a domestic International. Ok then down to my stats:</p>
<p>UW GPA: 3.72 (Top 12% out of 384; I know, GPA is my main negative)
W GPA: 4.34
AP Classes <a href="13%20total">/B</a>: Euro, US History, US Gov, Calc BC, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, English Lang, English Lit.
SAT*: 690 CR, 690 W, 800 M: 2180 Total; (retaking it in Jan for schools that accept them)
ACT: 35 E, 36 M, 31 S, 32 R: 34 Composite
SAT II: 700 Math II, 670 Physics, 660 Chemistry (below avg I know)
AP Scores: US History: 4; Chemistry: 4; Euro: 3; Eng Lang: 3; AB subscore: 3
ECs: - Vice President of State DECA (Business/Marketing Organization)
- 2nd place internationally in DECA Virtual Biz Challenge beating out over 5000 other competitors
- Top 30 in National High School Chess Championships (U1200)
- Top 25 in National High School Chess Championships (Unrated)
- Qualified for FBLA Nationals as a sophomore (2nd in State competition)
- Play drums for local spiritual organization; have played in many concerts across the Midwest (sent in a CD)
- Varsity Tennis; JV XC
- Top 3 in State Science Olympiad; One of Team Captains
**Awards<a href="some%20mentioned%20in%20ECs">/B</a>: National Merit Commended; Scholar Athlete all 4 years
**Employment: 10/2008-Present: Target Cashier (about 20 hours weekly)
**Essays: I would rate most of my essays at least a 4/5; maybe a couple 5/5 and 3/5. Mostly talked about my family arriving in America and how thats opened up my opportunities and also a lot about my participation/devotion/maturation through DECA. Most were pretty introspective, some were funny.
**Recs: Assuming most were great/excellent.
**Additional Info*: applied to engineering programs if that helps </p>
<p>So yea, just let me know what you think about my chances at those colleges. I'm not freaking out btw and if it appears to you I'm gloating, I'm trying to be as sincere as I can be. Just want to get an idea of if my evaluations are right...Just ask me if you guys have any questions
<p>Yes, an international asking for aid has a much higher bar at schools not need blind to internationals which is, I believe, all schools on your list except perhaps MIT (not certain). You need some considerably less selective schools on your list if you’re counting on aid.</p>
<p>Post on the international board because the folks there know more than I do but I know some of these schools have almost no aid for internationals.</p>
<p>ok. i don’t really want to go too in depth into this but i’m in the final step of being a us citizen, so i still applied as an international, but im hoping that i’ll get citizenship status soon. so if got that status just in time to relay that to the colleges, i should be fine right (as in asking for aid)?</p>
<p>Perhaps, but if you didn’t apply for financial aid and you get accepted, the schools will be powerless to help you, regardless of your citizenship.</p>
<p>id say ur expectations are close, id bump emory and mich up to high matches, maybe more cause ur international n its relle tough. i think ull get into more than one on the list tho. and yes aid is a bAtch when applying as international. Good luck.</p>
<p>i would say youre definitely in to Northwestern Rice WashU Berkeley Emory Michigan and Illinois.
your AP scores and essays may be a little weak for the other 3 schools.
if youre a first generation college student or from in state it helps a lot though. good luck.</p>
<p>Stanford: High Reach
UPenn (M&T/SEAS): reach
MIT: High Reach
Northwestern: Low Reach
Rice: Low Reach
WashU: High Match
Berkeley: Low Reach (yes, you are out of state, but the UCs will be looking to add more OOS students this coming year because your tuition is higher and they need the money)
Emory: Match
Michigan: Match
Illinois: don’t know</p>
<p>I think most of your “self-chancing” is pretty realistic.</p>
<p>I agree with all of your self-chances except for Michigan…they weigh heavily on UW GPA, and since you are OOS and applying so late, I would say reach.</p>
<p>Your chancing is pretty spot-on, but I would move Emory to a high match, UMich to a match, and UCB to a slightly lower reach based on what peaceofcake said. You should get into at least your listed safeties, but you are still in decent shape for some of your reaches.</p>
<p>Here’s what I think (I agreed with u a lot):</p>
<p>Stanford: Reach
UPenn (M&T/SEAS): Medium reach
MIT: High Reach (because of test scores? but u probably could pull off a great app ;))
Northwestern: Match
Rice: Low Reach/High Match
WashU: Match
Berkeley: Reach (OOS) —Not sure
Emory: Match
Michigan: Low Match/Safety
Illinois: Safety</p>