Chances for UCD, UCSB, UCSC?

GPA: UC 3.65 upward trend since Freshman year
SAT: 1320 640 Math 680 English 6/5/6 Essay
500-600 hrs volunteer work
Tutor students of all ages up to 16 as a job, about 10 hours per week
ThinkBridge Camp leader 4 years
Worked at other summer camps around my town after I finished ThinkBridge.
Interact Club Secretary
Piano for 10 years. Won many awards but only stated 2 most recent ones in application.
Artist-won a few awards but didn’t state them in my app because they weren’t recent.
Outdoor Education-Led kids in a cabin in songs, hikes, and environmental activities.
Science club- Three years creating and doing many science experiments.
SF public library volunteer: Helped with book sales. 2 yrs.
Beach clean ups all my life
Homeless shelter volunteer-just started last yr
Essays: Suppose they’re good, writing is the one thing I really take pride in. Had people from UCD, UCLA, UCSC, and Dartmouth look over them, all saying the essays were good. Discussed a lot of my volunteer work in 2 of the essays. Elaborated on why I volunteer so much. Also discussed overcoming depression + social anxiety, it was a risky topic. I also talked about my art and how it connects to me personally.

I’m white, female, and upper middle class. My brother got into UCD, UCSB, and UCSC with the same GPA but better test scores in 2009. He went to UCD. UCSC is my dream school, I love it so much and have wanted to go there ever since 8th grade.

Intended major?

@Gumbymom my bad, political science for all schools

I think UCSC is possible but not a definite match, more like 50/50. UCSB and UCD are going to be tough admits with a beliw 25th percentile UC GPA even though your SAT scores are within range. I hope you have at least one safety school on your list, since UC’s can be unpredictable.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%
Also the UC’s have gotten considerably more competitive in the last 9 years.

Best of luck.

Thank you! I’m applying to SDSU, SFSU, Humboldt, CSULB, and Fullerton. Also U of O and Lewis & Clark. I’m hoping to get into at least half of those, but we’ll see. Also, my UC GPA is 3.67, made a small mistake.

You might take a look at U of Puget Sound too, if you’re considering the PNW. It had a little more of the UCSC vibe than Lewis & Clark.