Chances for UCs and others!

<p>Public High School in Cali- so school</p>

<p>Sophomore year grades (not great):
graphic arts: A/B
english II H:B/B
Spanish II:A/A
Chem H:A/A
Ap world:B/A
alg II: C/C</p>


<p>junior year</p>

<p>pre cal:B-/A
ap chem: C-/A
Ap span: A/A
Ap Psych: A/A
Ap eng: A/A
4.5 / 5.0</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:
Ap Bio
Ap econ/gov
Ap statistics
Ap english lit
Ap studio art
Ap human geo</p>

<p>overall GPA (including freshman year): 4.2
Rank: 37 or so . Top 7%</p>

<p>Sat Score: 2300</p>

<p>SAT II scores
Math II: 750
Chem: 750</p>

<p>Ap Scores
euro (self study):5
env. sci (self study):5
national ap scholar</p>

President of DECA 10th-12th grade
NHS secretary 11th grade-12th grade
vietnamese student association: VP 12th grade
treasurer 11th grade
Academic Decathlon 10th -12th grade</p>

<p>Awards from Academic decathlon (11th grade):
1st place speech
3rd place interview
3rd place language and literature</p>

<p>Can someone please chance me for:
Stanford (yeah, i know that it's probably a long shot-but i was wondering if any of you knew students with similar stats who got in)</p>



<p>In at both UCI UCSD
Match @ UCLA
Low reach @ UCB
Not sure on USC
It’s a crapshoot for Stanford (duh)</p>

<p>in at all cept stanford, cuz well its stanford…chance me back!</p>

<p>bump! thanks for the replies so far.</p>


<p>probably going to get in at all UCs</p>

<p>reach at Stanford though.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at all UCs except UCB and UCLA, but they are still a decent shot. what hurt you is your low gpa/rank. Unfortunately, since UCs are such number based schools, UCB and UCLA pretty much only accepts ELC students. USC, well that’s a reach and stanford, no offense but with your gpa and ECs, you will probably get rejected (maybe some miracle will happen).</p>

<p>I actually think that you have a good chance of getting into Stanford. I agree that for basically everybody it’s really hard to get in, but from what you put I think you have a really good chance.</p>

<p>KitKatz: Yeah, i feel my mediocre grades might mess up my chances for the top tier UCs.</p>

<p>any other responses would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>UCI/UCSD/USC - accepted
UCLA/UCB - high match
Stanford - Good Luck. We all need it. They want the “best.” So if you’re the best in something, then maybe. </p>

<p>Chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Errrr, your grades look pretty good to me, your SAT score is way above average for UCLA/UCB,
all the UC’s look like safe match to matches to me.</p>

<p>Wow, great stats.</p>

<p>Your ECs seem a little weak though, don’t know if that’s much of a set-back. I’d say accepted to all the lower UCs. UCLA high match, Berkley low reach. God knows on Stanford. Good luck!!</p>

<p>Pretty much the same as everyone’s said:</p>

<p>In for sure at UCI and UCSD
Math/Low Reach at UCLA
Reach at UCB, USC, and of course Stanford because frickin nobody gets in haha.</p>

<p>What’s your study field of interest?</p>

<p>what would match and low reach constitute as? like what percentage my chances are of getting in. thanks.</p>

<p>i see you getting in almost definitely for everywhere but ucb and stanford. UCB is probably a 60/40 proposition, and Stanford probably isn’t happening, because you need to have a fantastic hook which i’m not seeing here.</p>

<p>Match = 50-85%
In = 85-100%
high reach = 35-50%
Reach = 15-35%
low reach = 0-15%</p>

<p>hahha I don’t know… this is what I think it means</p>

<p>You have very good test scores… i would kill for them, and they are going to help you out a lot. You are for sure in at all the UCs including UCB and you are in at USC for sure. Stanford it could go either way… everyone applying to ivys are going to have really good grades and really good test scores, which you have… so it is going to come down to the extracurriculars… but you are set either way!!! GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Your UW GPA is 3.5417 and your UC GPA is 3.875. Your weighted GPA is about 4.12</p>

<p>Yes, you have a great SAT score, and yes, you took a bunch of APs, but the UC GPA is not so high that you will get in everywhere. Plus, top 7% will not qualify you for Stanford, where they only take those in the top 3% of their class (and not all of those). </p>

<p>UCI/UCD/UCSB–Safe Match
UCLA/UCB–Slight Reach

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Good SAT scores, should help you for UCB and UCLA. Ya Stanford is a crapshoot.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
[Chance</a> me please](<a href=“]Chance”></p>

<p>in everywhere except stanford
and you said very good chance at ucla and ucb <--------lmao</p>