<p>Hi, I'm an incoming senior and I would like some input on my UC chances for:
Courses: (1st semester, 2nd semenster)
++++++SOPHMORE YEAR++++++++
Honors Soph english: (A, A)
Honors World History: (A,A)
Honors Precalc: (A, B)
Spanish 2: (B, B)
AP Chemistry: (B,B)
Computer Science: (A,A)
++++++++JUNIOR YEAR++++++++
AP Composition and Language (B, A)
AP Physics (B, A)
AP Calc AB (B, B)
AP US History (A,B)
Spanish 3: (A,A)</p>
<p>++++++++SAT SCORES++++++++
SAT I Max: 1800 (720 M, 580 V, 500 W)
(Target Score for Oct 2011: 2250)
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Physics: 590
(Planning on Physics and US in Nov 2011)</p>
AP Calc AB: 4
AP Physics: 4
AP Language and Composition: 2</p>
<p>+++++++GPA AND CLASS RANK++++
GPA unweighted: 3.57
GPA weighted: 3.91
Class Rank: ???</p>
Republican Club Treasurer: 1 year
Solar Cup Captain: 1 year
Virtual Enterprise CFO: 1 year
Volunteer Hours: 158
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Interact Club Member: 3 years
Programming Club President: 1 year
Cross Country Team: 3 years
Swim Team: 2 years</p>
<p>Any suggestions to boost my chances? Let me know if you need more academic information, thanks! This will really help!</p>