Chances for URI Nursing?

Hey! I was just wondering if I have a chance for URI nursing. Also I do plan on either taking the SAT or retaking the ACT once the whole corona thing is over.

About me: Male, Hispanic, only mom went to college, from MD, go to a small public school and a technical school.
GPA: 3.32 uw 3.73w (take majority honors, and one ap junior year, taking 2 DE next year)
ACT: 22 (Only took it once, no studying, overall I think I can do better)
Other Academic things: I currently am at a tech high school and I’m on my way to receiving me CNA/GNA license. Also hopefully will be able to apply for National Tech Honor Society next year.
Extracurricular: Varsity Comp & Sideline Cheer - captain (sophmore-now), varsity track (sophmore-now), varsity tennis (freshman).