Chances for UW Madison? ChemE

US citizen who lives abroad

SAT super-score: 2030 (Math 690, Cr 630,Writing 710)

SAT 2’s : Chemistry (710) , Math 2 (760)

O Levels 6 A* , 2A’s.
A*'s in the important subjects( Maths, Further Pure Maths, Physics ,Chem , Bio, English)

AS Level: Straight A’s (Math, Chemistry and Physics)
We do not have class ranks but I am most probably in the top 5/100 students in my batch.

Those people who don’t know much about O/A Levels, if I convert these grades to GPA, it would be around 3.9 out of 4.0

4 years of volunteer work for an NGO. Took part in flood relief efforts and will mention it in my essays (Around 400 hours overall)
Taught primary school kids mathematics and English (150 hours)
A 6-week mechanical/manufacturing engineering internship at a well-known University in my country.
Won an inter-school documentary/advertisement making competition.(had to make Ad using DSLR camera and edit and stuff)
Inter-school mathematics competition (part of a 4-man team from my school)
Part of the logistics team that arranged a MUN at school. Arranged for a formal dinner , concert, MUN committees etc.
Table Tennis (4 years)
Poetry competitions

Very Good essays
Great recommendations (2)
Majoring in Chemical Engineering

I think you have a pretty good chance. Nice extracurricular activities and good scores.

Are you from Pakistan? By your name and O/A levels, that’s what I guessed :stuck_out_tongue:

Good guess :slight_smile:

I don’t believe UW super scores- you can check on that. You are admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your proposed major. Your stats and EC’s seem to put you in an admit pile. All you can do is wait and see what happens.