<p>I’m applying to a bunch of business schools, but these in general:</p>
<p>Cornell, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Notre Dame, USC, Wash U at St Louis, NYU, UNC Chapel Hill, and Duke</p>
<p>I just want to know if I have a good chance at all these schools. Interested major is in the business arena with probably a dual English degree…don’t even know yet. Just give your honest opinions, and I won’t cry too much. :')</p>
<p>GPA: 4.4 (w) 3.88 (uw)
ACT: 33 (34 superscored) English: 35 Math: 34 Reading: 32 Science: 32
Superscored reading is a 33.
AP courses that I’ve taken / currently am taking: AP Gov’t, APUSH, AP Euro, AP macro/micro economics, AP language, AP Lit, AP statistics, AP AB calc, AP biology </p>
<p>Extracurriculars (&positions):
President / founder of Read to Lead club (help elementary students at the YMCA with homework)
Managing Editor of high school publication
Executive board leader at Oasis Christian Club
First Class Leader (character sort of club)
Varsity member of Speech Team (radio speaking)
JV/ Varsity on Girls Tennis for 4 years
Concertmistress for Concert Orchestra (grade 9)</p>
Almost Home Kids (home for medically frail children) for 4 years
Literacy Center Tutor at school
Girl Scouts (over 80 service hours)
National Honor Society
Library volunteer (3 years)
Piano Accompanist for Wheaton College cello/violin classes
Pianist for Adult church choir
Self employed paid piano instructor (3 years)
Self employed paid tennis instructor (1 year)</p>
<p>Jobs / Outside of school:
Journalist at the Chicago Tribune Mash (paid)
Pharmacy Technician intern at Walgreens through Midwestern University (paid)
Summer Leadership Seminar at USMA West Point</p>
1st place in Journalism Review writing (regionals)
Winner of 4 Sonatina Gold Medals
Girl Scouts Silver Award
Illinois State Scholar
National Merit Commended Scholar
AP Scholar
Paderewski Medal in the National Piano Guild Association</p>