Chances for Yale SCEA

<p>i disagree with gaffe. brown & swarthmore are more likely slight reaches. tufts and georgetown i would say are somewhat likely.</p>

<p>i don't see how gaffe could write that you are a guaranteed in at swarthmore or tufts...</p>

<p>honestly, i don't think you have a guarantee "in." the fact that you're asian and from NJ really works against you (i would know since i was in the same position as you with similar stats and ECs). your SATIIs are only okay and your writing score could be higher...</p>

<p>but good luck with everything!</p>

<p>I wrote "In" not "Guaranteed In" because chances aren't always 100% accurate.</p>

<p>i disagree w/ prospectiveMD. despite contrary belief, US college do NOT look at your AP score when deciding whether or not to accept you. hence, there are no places to report AP scores on the common app (except for the whole academic awards place). AP scores are used for placement, not acceptance.</p>

<p>oh random thing about the writing...i got 2 a 9 on the essay, but had an 800. are there hugely different curves or something?</p>

<p>well even "In" implies that you believe that she has a very likely chance of being admitted, which i disagree with (not to discourage you twiggerific! quite the contrary. i'm sure you'll be admitted to at least one of your choices).</p>

<p>but obviously we have a difference in opinions.</p>

<p>Save your early app. You have good SAT scores and GPA, but as an Asian female from NJ you'll need more than 1 AP class under your belt...unless your school seriously doesn't offer more than 3 for juniors. Your ECs are okay but seriously nothing special. I'd ED Brown if I were you. Brown is a great school and I think ED there would maxamize your chances at a top school.</p>

<p>Brown-Reach RD, ED looks good
Columbia-Reach Rd, ED is a low reach/high match
Georgetown-High Match
Princeton-High Reach

<p>I'd add Cornell to your list as a low reach.</p>

<p>bump. are my chances really that bad? as for ecs, they've always said quality over quantity and i hold three big leadership positions. won't that help?</p>

<p>true that, CDS32090</p>