Chances for Yale SCEA

<p>I go to an okay public school in NJ. Asian female & rising senior.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.17 (out of 4.33) UW
Rank: 3/364
SAT I: 800 CR / 780 M / 690 W (Will retake to pull up writing)
SAT II: 730 USH, 730 Math II
APUSH: 5</p>

<p>Our school's alright with APs. They split APUSH into two parts, so I had APUSH I soph year, and APUSH II this year. Senior year I have AP Lang, AP Calc, AP Lit, AP Stats, and AP Macro on the schedule. </p>

<p>ECs: Editor of School Newspaper, Editor of Lit Mag, PR Head for Save Darfur, Acadamic Team, Pit Band, Concert Band, Chorus, etc.</p>

<p>Awards: NHS, SHS, prob NM commended, Tri M Music Honor Society, published in a Creative Communications anthology ...</p>

<p>Summer stuff: Internship at state senator's office, Dickinson College Young Writers Workshop, Volunteered at local library</p>

<p>Would like to major in Ethics, Politics, and Economics. Expecting good recs. Already had an on campus interview that I thought went well. </p>

<p>Any feedback/advice is appreciated!</p>

<p>hmmm. honestly i think that your chances are slim...</p>

<p>have you done anything more notable than what you have listed?</p>

<p>Yale: REJECT</p>

<p>^ what he said, EC's are decent, but not spectacular or anything. Only chance might be some really good essays</p>

<p>if save darfur is only a community/school thing then reject.
If you are actually do the PR for the whole organization, you're obviously in. I don't see how you could do that in HS, but there are some super amazing kids out there.</p>

<p>Here's the deal: you are an asian male from New Jersey, which means that you are utterly screwed.</p>

<p>Yale will probably defer you.</p>

<p>But you have great scores and a very impressive UW GPA. As well as solid ECs that demonstrate interest in writing and music.</p>

<p>Yale is obviously your dream. Here's hoping it will work out, but if it doesn't there are tons of other places that you would love. One of my friends was deferred and ultimately rejected from Yale this year, but he's matriculating to Vassar and could not be more excited. Look at similar schools a step down from Yale, you may find one that fits you very well.</p>

<p>Best wishes!</p>

<p>^^^ actually the OP is female</p>

<p>Our Save Darfur club raised a bunch of money, was mentioned in newspapers, we had a guest speaker, and we got the town council to pass a reslution condmening the genocide. The advisor will be one of my recs.</p>

<p>Anyway, if not Yale what are my chances for the following:</p>


<p>Yale Early Action is going to be hell this year. All the people who would have applied early to Princeton or Harvard will be applying to Yale and Stanford SCEA. Good luck, though.</p>

<p>Brown: Maybe
Columbia: Unlikely
Georgetown: Likely
Princeton: REJECT
Swarthmore: In
Tufts: In</p>

<p>columbia is a reject, not unlikely.</p>

<p>I don't want to tread on gaffe, but IMO columbia is just as selective as HYP</p>

<p>I consider HYP in a league of its own, followed by Columbia (Columbia College), then the others, then Cornell.</p>

<p>Ah, difference of opinions, although Unlikely and REJECT are a small step apart.</p>

<p>Your ec's and summer activities (newspaper, lit magazine, writing workshop) suggest that you're really interested in writing...something that your SAT scores obviously don't support</p>

<p>^I disagree. An 800 CR score would support that. The writing section is pretty much nonsense. Sure his score could be higher, but he was probably penalized on the essay because he actually wrote a decent one.</p>

<p>her school you mean lol..</p>

<p>Yeah I got a stupid 8 on the essay, only like three wrong on the multiple choice (no omits).</p>

<p>You have ONE AP? ONE!!!!???? AND you're an Asian female trying to get into Yale? Your EC's aren't that great either. Unless you want to give the adcom a good chuckle, don't waste your early app. Apply somewhere else.</p>

<p>prospective md: Uhm, I'm sorry but most people at my school don't load up with the APs until senior year and if they take any beforehand, its APUSH or maybe Calc. My courseload is considered very demanding at my school.</p>

<p>Sure but that doesn't change the fact that you have ONE AP score to show Yale...Maybe if you had taken extra courses on the side (through EPGY for instance), your chances would be better, but at this rate, they are quite doubtful. You're Asian: colleges expect you to try harder, not care less.</p>