Chances for Yale, Tufts, Cornell, MIT, Northeastern, and Penn

<p>Hey guys,
I am an International student at WUSTL. I'd like to transfer to one of the aforementioned schools. Chemical Engineering Junior.</p>

<p>-GPA: 3.10 (social sciences and humanities are killing me)
-SAT I: Writing 650, Math 720. SAT II: Math II 800, Chem 800.
-Flawless High School academic record with A's in every subject and many academic awards.
-Current EC's: African Club, community service even though it's not my country, Internship in the past summer, AIChE, Peer Tutor, Club Soccer.
-Good Science and engineering rec's</p>

<p>Any suggestion are welcome. I just want to move to the North East. CHANCE ME!!!</p>

<p>Get that GPA up; what is the Critical Reading portion of your SAT? Leadership positions?</p>

<p>I was head of the Student Government in High School.
SATI: CR: 650. My bad.</p>

<p>Also, in high school I started a company/charity that permanently employed 5 less fortunate people, and all the profits went to an orphanage.
Would a Mensa membership help? Just trying to get all the advantage I can.</p>

<p>My question is how do you have a 3.1 and flawless highschool academic record.</p>

<p>In my country we take no humanities, writing, or social science classes after the 10th grade to fully concentrate on sciences. Hence, I have a hard time with them in college. It sucks.</p>

<p>Oh, boost up your SATs and your ECs, mid to low reaches all of them. MIT is a reach</p>

<p>I will do all I can to boost my EC’s by the deadline which is in a month or so. I probably do not have time to retake the SAT’s though. Thank you guys for the input.</p>

<p>MIT, Yale: Nope</p>

<p>The rest, high matches to low reaches</p>

<p>Yeah, I expected as much … I would be ecstatic about getting into Cornell or Penn nonetheless.</p>

<p>I think it would be a little difficult with your current GPA, but they’re all possible</p>

<p>and did you mean Northwestern?</p>

<p>No Kevin, I mean Northeastern, I use it like a safety. However, If that is the only school I get into I’ll have to think before transferring.</p>

<p>With a 3.1, I would not call Northeastern a safety.</p>

<p>Hum … that is intriguing. Nonetheless, a couple of friends got in from St Louis Commty Coll with a 2.5. I’m not sure I would even want to go there, their academics seem sketchy. I do appreciate their co-op program nonetheless.</p>

<p>sorry but yale/penn/mit are not going to happen…</p>