<p>Hello there!</p>
<p>I was wondering what my chances would be to get into Brandeis, University of Southern California, Johns Hopkins, University of California Los Angeles, Dartmouth (Dream school) , Rice, and University of Rochester. </p>
SAT Biology: 700
SAT Chemistry: 710
SAT M: 710
SAT V: 600
SAT W: 710
SAT C: 2020
*I may retake the SAT I is January to try and aim for a 2200</p>
<p>We dont have class rank or weighted GPA at my school
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
GPA U: 3.34 GPA which is broken down into [3.11, 3.24, 3.60, 3.76]. The 3.76 is first quarter senior year, I can still iprove it.
*I'm counting on the upward trend to help, but I'm not sure if it actually helps</p>
<p>AP Biology:4
AP Chemistry: 5
*Im planning on taking 3-5 more AP exams this year, I don't know if that helps for college though.</p>
<p>Senior Coursework:
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics B
Math teaching assistant
TV Production II
Drama of Social Issues Performance Workshop</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities:
-Act 1 Boston Figure Skating Team (12) <--- A world renowned theater on ice figure skating team. (Ive done other teams too)
-School Magazine (11, 12) <--- I started the magazine because I felt that the student voice was not portrayed in other school publications. Im the editor-in-chief.
-Peer Leadership: Drug Prevention (10,11,12) <--- Local leadership program available to teens. Im a group leader, facilitator, and speaker at these events.
-Best Buddies (11, 12) <--- I am an associate buddy so I just help out during events. Not an officer.
-International Culinary Club (9, 10, 11, 12) <--- School club which promotes cultural blending through the foods they make and the traditions they have while eating foods. No officers
-Figure Skating Club (9, 10, 12) <--- High Schools figure skating club. We help students who are just learning to skate and skate together. No officers
-Figure Skating (9, 10, 11, 12) <--- Sport at local community center.
<p>Community Service:
Peer tutor in: Algebra II, AP Biology, AP Chemistry
Teen Advisory Board for town events
Exhibit Hall Interpreter at the Museum of Science
Figure Skating Coach Assistant
Special Olympics MA
Peer Leadership: Drug Prevention</p>
<p>Awards and Distinctions:
Silver Medal and Maxima Cum Laude in the National Latin Exam
Honorable Mention at school science fair
Honor Roll
Work exhibited in local art show
Many skating awards.</p>
<p>Do you think all these colleges are too high / should I look at less good colleges? </p>
<p>Any input is helpful input!