<p>I am currently a HS Junior. </p>
<p>Preferred colleges: GMU, Penn State UPark, UF, Wesleyan University, Rutgers, NYU, Boston College, Boston University, and Wheaton College in MA. </p>
<p>Ranked 19 in my class of 498</p>
<p>GPA(Unweighted): 3.67
GPA(Weighted): 4.6585</p>
<p>SAT: 1590 (Retaking in June)
ACT: 22 Composite (Retaking in June)</p>
<p>AP Classes taken and will take in 2013-2014:
Human Geo, World History, Environmental Science, U.S. History, Stats, Euro, Lit, Gov/Econ</p>
<p>Dual-Enrollment Classes
Public Speaking
Gen/Social Psychology</p>
<p>Senior workload
AP Euro, AP Literature, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, AP Statistics, Dual-Enrollment Gen/Social Psychology, Dual-Enrollment in Anthropology, Debate V Honors, Spanish II, Marketing Applications. </p>
<p>3 Years of Debate honors (One more year for senior year)
Won several in state tournaments, Nationally ranked in top 32 in all of U.S., Placed 5th in state of Florida.
Placed in top 16 a the University of Florida Blue Key speech and debate tournament.
DECA Honors as well, made it to state level competition.</p>
<p>Leadership positions and extra curricular:
Captain of my debate team
President of DECA club chapter
Secretary of Jewish Student Connection club.
National Honor Society member
National English Honor Society member
100+ Service hours (More to come)
Finalist for Broward County Public Speaking Competition.</p>