Chances? Im soo rattled

Class Rank: 1/120 (Valdedictorian)
SAT II: 800 790 800
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 97.2% (out of 100)
Unweighted GPA (percent): 98.0% (out of 100)
^^thats what makes me confused.. is my % average good ??</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
- Canadian Cancer Society Youth Representative
- Published Author on experiences with Cancer in the family (profits donated to C.C.S)
- President of Community Outreach Committee, Multicultural Society, Multi Faith Club, DECA Business Club, and Senior Debating, and school newspaper
- Head of Student Government
- 1st place winner in National DECA business competition
- Open Heart Poetry Competition 1st place winner, winnings donated to C.C.S
- National Debate Competition 1st place medalist
- International Debate Competition 5th of 130 international debaters.</p>

- Canadian
- Graduating early</p>

<p>So how do I stack up for Harvard. My rank is good, but Im worried about my percentage average.</p>

<p>plz someone help</p>

<p>I don't have a single idea about "percent average". My school doesn't do it ><</p>

<p>Haha, you add up MUCH better than I do. For all I know, you stack up higher than I do~</p>

<p>I think you're definitely the right person to apply for Harvard. You've got some amazing credentials and really high chance of making it. As a fellow Canadian, i wish you good luck, though I guess somewhere deep in my heart, I'm hoping you'd reconsider because you just lowered my chances of getting in Harvard </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>What ethnicity are you? Just wondering...</p>

<p>And yeah, I think you're in good shape. Can't help you with the percentage either, though.</p>

<p>I can't imagine you NOT getting in.</p>

<p>No chance of getting in.</p>


<p>This is my first post. My daughter is now happily part of the class of 2012 at her dream college (H), and I am thinking that perhaps information about her experiences might be useful to others. Perhaps not, but I am offering. She was accepted at every college to which she applied (H, P, MIT, others). In light of the extremely competitive nature of the admissions process, we were of course stunned by her good fortune, although she certainly deserved it. In addition to her excellent stats, she worked hard throughout her school years, and maintained several long-term areas of passion. She never took a test-prep course, and took ACT and SAT once each. I am not sure if I can be of assistance, but am willing to try.</p>