Harvard chances plz? X_X

Class Rank: 1/120 (Valdedictorian)
SAT II: 800 790 800
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 96.2% (out of 100)
Unweighted GPA (percent): 96.8% (out of 100)
^^thats what makes me confused.. is my % average good ??
Specs per Grade**
10- 96.6%
11- 96.6
12- 98
Extra Curriculars**
- Canadian Cancer Society Youth Representative
- Published Author on experiences with Cancer in the family (profits donated to C.C.S)
I did like rallies and motivational speaking to crowds across the country and the united States to raise money. Not saying how much i raised but it was above 6 ifugres.</p>

<li>President of Community Outreach Committee, Multicultural Society, Multi Faith Club, DECA Business Club, and Senior Debating, and school newspaper</li>
<li>Head of Student Government</li>
<li>Youth Philanthropy Initiative winner (donated 5000$ to local grassroots charity)</li>
<li>1st place winner in National DECA business competition</li>
<li>Open Heart Poetry Competition 1st place winner, winnings donated to C.C.S</li>
<li>National Debate Competition 1st place medalist</li>
<li>Royal Canadian Army Cadets Lt. Col.</li>
<li>International Debate Competition 5th of 130 international debaters. (done for 3 years).
<li>Graduating early</li>

<p>I tried to focus my Extra curriculars on community service to avoid a laundry list, and NO im not a troll and the canadian grading system is retarted so the unweighted is higher than weighted.</p>

<p>again, if you don’t get in, i’m hosed b/c your stats are very good</p>

<p>i’d say you are a very strong candidate for the admissions people to heavily consider</p>

<p>Enjoy your admission. Of course, I can’t actually say that, but you’re basically in as far as I can tell.</p>

<p>what Baelor said <em>nods</em></p>


<p>-As good of grades as possible (assuming rigorous courseload)
-Near-perfect scores (beat you by ten points :P)
-Commitment to a few incredibly important ECs, and demonstration of depth</p>

<p>Write good essays, and you’re likely in.</p>

<p>to be honst my grade 9 grades werent the best still all above like 90 but they werent good in comparison to what i got later on in highschool?</p>

<p>will this count against me?</p>

<p>gr. 9 math was like 80 i think …so…yea…its on my transcript as like the one bad course</p>

<p>tonga where do u go to school in? Ontario? Toronto?</p>

<p>Tonga, don’t worry too much about ninth grade. You have clearly ‘redeemed’ yourself, and are now valedictorian.</p>


<p>toronto? LOL</p>


<p>im just assuming bro… cuz really ontario system is dope easy…</p>

<p>the cancer thing will get u in… and the fact ur canadian+2400 SAT 1 lol</p>

<p>■■■■■, look at his other postings lmao… how do u go from UNICEF to Cancer in the family?</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/115
SAT II: 800 790 800
AP: 12 taken all 5s
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 96%
Unweighted GPA (percent): 96.5% </p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
-Unicef Youth Rep.

  • Published book on fundraising
    (profits donated to UNICEF and fund raisers/book parties held across the country)
    *thats all your getting because i dont want stalkers. sry</p>

<li>President of Community Service Council, Multicultural Society, Multi Faith Club, DECA Business Club, Senior Debating, and school newspaper</li>
<li>Head of Student Government</li>
<li>1st place winner in Canadian National DECA business competition</li>
<li>1st place winner, Open Heart Poetry Competition winnings donated to charity</li>
<li>1st place YPI Initiative (Government civics competition) -money earned donated to Canadian Cancer Society</li>
<li>Provincial National Debate Compeition 3rd place</li>
<li>International Debate Competition 5th of 130 international debaters.</li>

<p>Schools applying to:</p>

University of Chicago

<p>Can you chance me?</p>

<p>*Btw i am what people call a URM, but I dont know how that helps me (not a big fan of race based admission)</p>

<p>and check out class ranking… i dont think much can change in 2 weeks in terms of class sizes this late in the game…</p>


<p>hes yougner but he does fundraising</p>

<p>he has book out u want an address</p>



<p>sry dead link:</p>

<p>[Hands</a> For Help with Bilaal Rajan](<a href=“http://www.bilaalrajan.com/]Hands”>http://www.bilaalrajan.com/)</p>

<p>nice try tho</p>

<p>If what Ambitiousteen posted earlier was an actual previous post by tonga, I’d say this is a ■■■■■ thread. The change in class size could have been a stupid mistake, but I doubt that the change in club/position was an honest error. EpIc FaIl</p>

<p>If I’m wrong and this is not a ■■■■■ thread, epic fail me lol…</p>

<p>You’re more of an OVER represented minority than an under represented minority. In other words, your ethnicity counts against you.</p>

<p>I don’t understand why people lie about their stats to people they don’t even know.
Weirdos… hahahahaha</p>