<p>Hey everyone!</p>
<p>Institution attended: some Asian university
concentration: nanotechnology, photonics
GPA: 3.71/4.00
GRE Qunat: 153/170, GRE Verbal: 141/170, AWA: 3</p>
<p>Publications: 8 (IEEE, APS etc)</p>
<p>Research Experience: 1) One year research experience in a government funded solar cell project.</p>
<pre><code> 2) 6 months research experience in a material science lab
3) 6 months research experience in a semiconductor physics lab
<p>Several national and international awards. One summer internship in a power plant.</p>
<p>What are my chances at UCSB or UCSD for MS in ECE? If anyone can suggest me some more universities going through my profile that would be helpful too. Thanks in advance :)</p>