Chances into getting into any of the UC's?

Hello, I’m currently going into senior year of highschool and I was wondering if I had any chance of getting into any of the UCs?

I know my GPA isn’t the most stellar in the world, so I know I can’t get into the more competitive schools like UCLA

General Info:
-California resident
-White/Asian mix
-Middle Class family
-Both parents are immigrants

Sophomore GPA: Around a 3.2 (This was mainly because my father is very sick; He has Multipulse Sclerosis and is wheelchair bound, he can’t really move anything but his right hand, diagnosed with cancer this year as well, and also has diabetes. My mom and I were the main caretakers for him. We got another caretaker for him this year which explains my sudden gpa jump)

Junior GPA: 3.8

SAT: 1790 (Without studying/prep, planning to retake to hopefully get a 1900/2000+)

AP’s/Honors as of current:
AP World
AP Lang
AP Psych
Honors English 2

Taking next year as a Senior:
AP Bio
AP Lit
AP Art
AP Gov
AP Econ

High School swim all 4 Years
Rec swim team for 10 years
Treasurer for my school’s Asian Club Senior Year
Piano for 7 years
Nominated for the Girls State program junior year but could not attend because of my father’s illnesses
Around 50+ hours volunteering, currently doing more

Loads and loads of clubs
Planning to get a job as a lifeguard, currently doing lifeguard training
Looking to be a volunteer swim coach

Thank you so much!

Calculate your UC GPA:

UCR/UCM and UCSC would be your current target UC’s until you retake the SAT. I would address your Father’s illness in one of your essays.

Repost with UC GPA and new test scores for updated chances.