Chances/ more schools to look at??

<p>Hi everyone! I've just become a senior in high school, but I really have no idea as to where I should apply. I've begun to look at some large research universities, as well as liberal arts colleges and technical schools.</p>

<p>Some of the schools I'm looking at include:</p>

<p>Large in-state flagship universities (UF, FSU, USF)
Reed College
Bowdoin College
Colby College
Lake Forrest College
Occidental college</p>

<p>My EC's include:</p>

<p>3 years Varsity swimmer (captain junior year & this year)
Spanish club for 4 years (president for last 2 years)
Spanish National Honor Society member for 2 years
National Honor Society member for 2 years
Earth club member for 3 years (president for last 2 years)
Member of Student Government (class treasurer freshman year, president Soph/ Junior/ Senior)
Organizing a shoe drive at school to collect shoes for people in under developed countries
400+ hours community service at our hospital</p>

<p>Unfortunately, my GPA isn't too good (3.35), but weighted it's a 4.1. I know that probably isn't good enough, but I have 29 on ACT (taking it 2 more times) and a 2030 on SAT (also taking it 2 more times).</p>

<p>I've taken 11 AP classes, and my course load has a very heavy emphasis on the natural sciences, because I am completely infatuated with science (which I am going to talk about in my college essays).</p>

<p>In college, I plan on double majoring Biochem and biology with a minor in biostatistics, while on a premed track. Keep in mind please that I want to go to a top tier med school (Stanford, Columbia, Duke, or UCSF).</p>

<p>So now with all of that, I was just wondering what are some schools that I should consider applying to and looking at? I live in Florida, and would prefer to get out of here and move back out West or up North.</p>

<p>Any ideas? Some schools with my chances of getting in would be really helpful! Thank you to anyone who is able to help!</p>

<p>NYU - reach</p>

<p>Yeah I figured that much. Thanks! </p>

<p>increase gpa and sat/act scores and you will be good to go :slight_smile: GOOD LUCK!!!</p>
